News & Stories

Attiya meets with Steve, her abusive ex-boyfriend, in the documentary A Better Man. (National Film Board photo)

In the remarkable documentary, A Better Man , released earlier this year, filmmaker Attiya Khan documents her meeting with Steve (no last name), her ex-boyfriend who abused her... Read More
December 6, 2017 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) campaigners Setsuko Thurlow, Ray Acheson and Cesar Jaramillo call on Canada to join a UN nuclear weapons ban at a press conference in Toronto on Oct. 27, 2017. Jaramillo is the executive director of Project Ploughshares, a Mennonite Central Committee partner. (Photo courtesy of Paula Cardenas)

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) congratulates Project Ploughshares, a member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), on winning the 2017 Nobel Peace... Read More
December 5, 2017 | Web First | Rachel Bergen

Phil Monture, Six Nations land claims researcher, speaks at 50 Kent Avenue in Kitchener, Ont., on Oct. 26, about the Haldimand Tract that was promised to Six Nations in the late 1700s. (Photo by Dave Rogalsky)

The community room at 50 Kent Ave. in Kitchener had standing room only on Oct. 26, with more than 180 adults of all ages there to listen to Phil Monture. Monture, a Mohawk from... Read More
December 4, 2017 | Web First | Dave Rogalsky

To celebrate Steinbach (Man.) Mennonite Church’s 75 years of worship and ministry, pastors and congregants planted a peace pole in front of its current building on Loewen Boulevard on Nov. 12. Next spring, a garden and bench will be installed. ( photo by Lothar Dueck)

Steinbach Mennonite Church celebrated its 75th anniversary over the Sept. 30-Oct. 1 weekend. Church Board Chair Karen Peters said the festivities began on the evening of Sept. 30... Read More
December 4, 2017 | Web First | Kenton Dyck

Filmmaker Peter von Gunten, Münster parish official Marlise Hubschmied and Bern Mennonite Church Pastor Dorothea Loosli discuss von Gunten’s 2005 Anabaptist documentary “In Life and Beyond Life” on Nov. 11, before the request for forgiveness offered by Bern government councillor and director of churches Christoph Neuhaus. (Photo by Knoche)

It can’t change the past, but it can impact the future. In surprise comments delivered in early November 2017, a government official in Bern, Switzerland, requested forgiveness... Read More
November 29, 2017 | Web First | Tim Huber

Ralph Lebold

Born into a Western Ontario Mennonite Conference (WOM)—formerly the Amish Mennonite Conference of Ontario—family, Ralph Lebold grew up with strong leaders in a congregational... Read More
November 15, 2017 | God at work in Us | Dave Rogalsky
On Oct. 14, 2017, delegates at a special assembly in Winnipeg approved a restructuring plan to shift the centre of ministries from the nationwide church office to each of the five... Read More
November 15, 2017 | God at work in the Church | Donita Wiebe-Neufeld
How the new structure of Mennonite Church Canada will affect congregations in B.C. was the topic for focus groups in Richmond and Abbotsford late last month. Donors who have been... Read More
November 15, 2017 | God at work in the Church | Amy Rinner Waddell
In October, congregants from across Canada gathered for Mennonite Church Canada’s Special Assembly 2017 in Winnipeg, where they voted to implement a new structure, ushering in a... Read More
November 15, 2017 | God at work in the Church | Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe
The ink on the new covenant document between the five regional (formerly area) churches was scarcely dry before Mennonite Church Eastern Canada began to describe to its... Read More
November 15, 2017 | God at work in the Church |
Norm Dyck, the newly appointed Mennonite Church Eastern Canada mission engagement minister, says, “The face of the church is rapidly changing! What appears to be emerging is the... Read More
November 15, 2017 | God at work in the Church |

Children enjoy their story at Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship's 50th anniversary service on Oct 15, 2017. (Fort Garry Mennonite photo)

On Oct. 15, 2017, more than 300 excited and exuberant members and guests gathered at Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship to celebrate the congregation’s 50th anniversary. Many had... Read More
November 15, 2017 | God at work in the Church | John and Dorothy Friesen
A group of young adults who formed in response to proposed changes to Mennonite Church Canada (now dubbed the nationwide church) has disbanded. The Emerging Voices Initiative (EVI... Read More
November 15, 2017 | Young Voices |
Attention, music fans: Next month marks the 15th anniversary of the release of an album you’ve likely never heard of. Let me tell you about it. On Dec. 8, 2002, at Douglas... Read More
November 15, 2017 | Young Voices |
While plenty of Mennonites have played the “Mennonite game”—the Anabaptist version of six degrees of separation—only a select few have played Mark Eash Hershberger’s version. But... Read More
November 14, 2017 | Web First | Abby King

At the MC Saskatchewan Equipping Day Abby Heinrichs and her father Steve tell their personal stories in a workshop entitled ‘In your light, we see light: The church and Indigenous solidarity.’ (Photo by Donna Schulz)

Setting goals is a good practice, but how does a faith community translate those goals into reality? At their Refresh, Refocus, Renew mini-retreat in September, members of... Read More
November 14, 2017 | Web First | Donna Schulz
While visiting Ethiopia recently, Darrell Jantzi and John Peters heard that Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) has continued to grow and now numbers 310,877 baptized members, an... Read More
November 14, 2017 | Web First | Barb Draper

Hochma’s worshipping space was repurposed as a donation centre for refugees. (Photo by Michel Monette)

Not feeling safe in the United States, a young woman climbed on a plane and flew to Montreal with her children. But the U.S. is considered a safe country for refugees, so she was... Read More
November 14, 2017 | Web First | Dave Rogalsky

Dick Benner

Richard (Dick) Benner, the recent editor/publisher of Canadian Mennonite , passed away on Nov. 4, 2017, at his home in Ruckersville, Va. Upon his retirement in March 2017, he... Read More
November 6, 2017 | Web First | Barb Draper
For Ardith Frey, injera , a flatbread eaten in northeastern Africa, is a symbol of community. It is served on a large shared platter, along with a sauce. See Ardith’s story at “... Read More
November 1, 2017 | Web First |

Regional Church moderators signed the Covenant and Operating Agreement that form the newly structured Mennonite Church Canada on Oct. 15, in Winnipeg. Pictured from left to right, seated: Ken Warkentin of MC Saskatchewan; Paul Wideman of MC Eastern Canada; Lee Dyck of MC B.C.; Paul Neufeldt of MC Alberta; and Peter Rempel of MC Manitoba; and standing: MC Canada moderator Calvin Quan. (MC Canada photo by Coreena Stewart)

A Covenant and Operating Agreement describing the intent of both the spirit and function of the new relationships among the five regional churches (formerly area churches)... Read More
November 1, 2017 | Focus on Special Assembly 2017 | Dan Dyck
To say that the ins and outs of International Witness ministry are complex would be an understatement. It could take an entire study conference to explore a theology of mission as... Read More
November 1, 2017 | Focus on Special Assembly 2017 | Dan Dyck
The terms “financial plan” and “budget” were used somewhat interchangeably in reference to a spreadsheet in the Discernment Guide Supplement outlining how Mennonite Church Canada... Read More
November 1, 2017 | Focus on Special Assembly 2017 | Dan Dyck

Anneli Loepp Thiessen, Johise Namwira and Vernelle Enns Penner lead delegates in singing at Sunday morning’s worship service. (Photo by Aaron Epp)

“We don’t all see things through the same lenses. We don’t all agree on every little or big thing, but we are loved by you, and we love.” That prayerful acknowledgement of... Read More
November 1, 2017 | Focus on Special Assembly 2017 | Deborah Froese
Mennonite Church Canada is changing and the need for communication has never been greater. This seemed to be the consensus at the Communications Focus Group discussion held during... Read More
November 1, 2017 | Focus on Special Assembly 2017 |
