Canadian Mennonite Magazine

The edge of meaning

I once read a history of the phenomenon of war. The author said that, though we have archaeological evidence of wars many centuries ago, often we don’t know who was…
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We’re sharing “Good stories for a cold winter night,” or for coolish mornings or even for mild afternoons…. You get the picture.


Fired couple reach agreement with MCC
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has reached a financi…
Celebrating 500 across Canada 
While there have been no reports of baptisms taking pla…
A pastoral letter for Anabaptist-Mennonites in DR Congo
Beloved brothers and sisters, We received a request for…
News briefs for February 2025
Mennos demonstrate at Magellan AerospaceOn December 12,…


Gifts for the church
Gloria* communicated with loud and disruptive noises. H…
Life in the 90s
Angus Martin, 96, is a retired mechanic and teacher. He…
Beyond inspiration
I have a budding conviction about preaching. My convict…
An intense editorial in three parts
Part I. Divine embraceOn pages 22-23, Melody Steinman w…

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