
This listing includes events hosted by Mennonite Church Canada and its regional churches, special celebrations of MC Canada congregations, events at Mennonite-related organizations, and community events of interest to Mennonite readers. Some of these also appear in the print issue of the magazine.

You can submit an item here or send an email to If an event is to appear in print, please send the information at least eight weeks in advance.


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September 1, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission Co-Executive Coordinator John Fumana will speak at Listowel Mennonite Church, at both 10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services with updates from ministries with African churches in Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa.

September 6, 2024 | Location: Alberta

MCC Alberta fundraiser Golf Classic at Eagle Rock Golf Course, Leduc County, beginning at 8 a.m. Register at

September 7, 2024 | Location: Manitoba

The Secret Treaty Book Launch at Westside Community Church, Morden.

1 p.m. Tour with Dave Scott of Swan Lake irst Nation.

4:30 p.m. Faspa. 

5 p.m. Book presentation. 

September 8, 2024 | Location: Saskatchewan

Celebrate 45 years with us! Enjoy hikes, crafts, zip line, climbing wall, wide games, tours of the Timber Lodge and Timber Frame Cabins, a special service, and of course, a simple supper of farmer sausage on a bun and a cupcake! See to pre-regisgter. 

September 12, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Book launch for Troy Osborne's Radicals and Reformers: A Survey of Global Anabaptist History. Short program and reception at Conrad Grebel University College, fourth floor gallery, 4-5:30 p.m.

September 18, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Walk with Grassy Narrows youth and community members at 12 p.m. in Toronto in solidarity on their path to achieve mercury justice and freedom. More at

September 20, 2024 | Location: Online Event

Mennonite World Conference international hour of prayer, 14:00 UTC. Join with Mennonite siblings around the world in prayer for our world and our communities' joys and needs. Register at

September 20, 2024 to September 22, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Steinmann Mennonite Church Bicentennial weekend of celebration, including a bus tour, hymn sing, comfortor knotting, packing MCC Relief kits, extended Sunday service, and much more. For more details, see

September 21, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Toronto (GTA) Mennonite Festival, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Willowgrove farm, Stouffville.

September 21, 2024 | Location: Manitoba

Canadian Mennonite University invites all to celebrate the beginning of the academic year with Fall at CMU, 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Leisurely walk through the market with over 30 food and craft vendors under the big white tent, enjoy music led by student talent, be amazed by the Bubble Man with your children, watch cyclists race around the winding course, play corn hole with new friends, reminisce with old ones.

New this year, enjoy a feast of choral songs (a new take on the Mennonite Saengerfest tradition) led by a choir of current CMU students and alumni on Saturday, September 21...

September 21, 2024 | Location: B.C.

Paddle-a-Thon Fundraiser at Camp Squeah. Fun and family friendly!

Details at

September 23, 2024 | Location: Ontario

MCC Ontario Annual General Meeting, 7-8:30 p.m., virtual only. For the link, see

Please note: date has changed! Meeting is now Monday, Sept. 23.

September 26, 2024 | Location: Ontario

The Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, along with the Ontario Heritage Trust, will unveil a commemorative plaque to be placed at the site of the Montreal River Alternative Service camp (just north of Sault Ste. Marie). Canada's Alternative Service program ran from 1941-1946, with over 10,000 participants, many of them Mennonite. The unveiling will take place at Conrad Grebel University College at 4:00 p.m. The plaque will be installed at the Montreal River site on September 28.  For more information, please visit

September 27, 2024 to September 28, 2024 | Location: Ontario

The Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario has arranged for two buses to go from Waterloo to Montreal River for the installation of the plaque on September 28. Overnight accommodation in Sault Ste. Marie has been set aside for bus participants for Friday, September 27 so they can take part in the Plaque installation the next day at the Montreal River site.  The buses will then return to Waterloo.  For further details (bus costs and overnight accommodation costs), and to reserve a spot on this trip (accommodation deadline is August 27), go to ...

September 28, 2024 | Location: Manitoba

The Secret Treaty Book Launch at Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach. Details to come.

October 2, 2024 | Location: Saskatchewan

Join Osler Mennonite Church for a 6-week CMU Xplore Bible study the Sermon on the Mount with Michael Pahl. Held on zoom, Wed. 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and Nov. 6. No need to register ahead. See

October 4, 2024 | Location: Manitoba

150th Anniversary of Mennonites in Manitoba at the University of Winnipeg.

Highlights include 9:00 a.m. Keynote Address by Elder Dave Scott (Swan Lake), Oral Histories of Indigenous-Mennonite Encounters, and 10:30 a.m. Showing of The Secret Treaty by Jonathan Dyck

October 5, 2024 | Location: Ontario

MCC Material Resources warehouse in New Hamburg open house, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., with games, snacks and hands-on activities for all ages.

October 16, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Grebel Alumni Community Supper, 6 p.m., Grebel Dining Room at Conrad Grebel University, Waterloo.

October 18, 2024 to October 20, 2024 | Location: B.C.

MCBC Ladies Retreat at Camp Squeah. Linda Todd as guest speaker. Register at

October 19, 2024 | Location: Alberta

Come Together, faith in action celebration in support of MCA ministries. Edmonton, 7 p.m., details to come.

October 21, 2024 to October 25, 2024 | Location: Ontario

MCC Learning Tour: Travelling Together Through Truth, engaging with First Nations communities and partners of MCC Ontario’s Indigenous Neighbours program in Timmins. More at

October 26, 2024 | Location: Alberta

A Soul's Cry for Home
Engaging plenary and workshop sessions will explore migration and resettlement from different perspectives.  The event will culminate in an evening of drama and storytelling focused on welcoming the stranger and the transformative potential for the newcomer and the welcoming community. 9:00 a.m. at Ambrose University, Calgary.

October 27, 2024 | Location: Nationwide

International Witness Sunday: “Welcome to the Banquet Table: Sharing in God's Global Feast.”

Congregations across Canada are invited to celebrate relationships and gifts we share with our brothers and sisters around the globe. Resources at

November 1, 2024 to November 3, 2024 | Location: B.C.

MCBC Pastor/Family Retreat at Camp Squeah.

Details to come.

November 2, 2024 | Location: Alberta

Come Together, faith in action celebration in support of MCA ministries. Calgary, 7 p.m., details to come.

November 7, 2024 | Location: Manitoba

Common Word Book Launch for The Secret Treaty, Marpeck Commons, Canadian Mennonite University.

November 11, 2024 to November 15, 2024 | Location: Saskatchewan

MC Sask and CMU present Healing Haunted Histories: Decolonizing discipleship; available for credit or audit. Register at

November 14, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Benjamin Eby Lecture Series, “Reading socio-political experiences through graffiti and street art in conflict-affected societies,” by Eric Lepp, assistant professor of Peace and Conflict Studies. 7:30-9 p.m. in the Great Hall at Conrad Grebel University, Waterloo.

November 15, 2024 | Location: Online Event

Nov. 15: Mennonite World Conference international hour of prayer, 14:00 UTC. Register at

November 29, 2024 to November 30, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Church at Nairn (formerly Nairn Mennonite Church) annual Spirit of Christmas. Live music, crafts, tearoom and more.
At the Church at Nairn, Ailsa Craig. Nov. 29 from 6:30 to 9 p.m.; Nov. 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For more info call: 519-232-4425

November 29, 2024 to November 30, 2024 | Location: Ontario

Men listening, men talking: Retreat at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp & Retreat Centre, New Hamburg. Who are men called to be in 2024 and beyond, and how can they live lives that matter? Register at