News & Stories

Participants at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC)—held last month in Kingston, Jamaica, to celebrate the end of the Decade to Overcome Violence—released a... Read More
June 8, 2011 | God at work in the World |

The stop in Kleefeld at noon gave local residents the opportunity to see the tractors up close. --Photo by Eden Foundation

Forty-seven tractors chugged their way through the Manitoba villages ofRead More
June 6, 2011 | Web First | Ken Reddig

Rev. Margot Kaessmann told a Bible study she believes that a suggestion to pray with the Taliban by candlelight is "a much better idea than bombing water tank lorries in Kunduz."

The biennial faith gathering called the Kirchentag ended on June 5 after five days of theological and political discussions, concerts and a sense of reconciliation in a city... Read More
June 6, 2011 | Web First | By Anli Serfontein

George R. Brunk, left, enjoys a conversation with 2006 seminary graduate Patrick Nafziger, pastor at Millersburg (Ohio) Mennonite Church, during the annual School for Leadership Training at EMS. Photo by Lindsey Kolb

When George R. Brunk III joined the Eastern Mennonite Seminary faculty in 1974, little did he imagine that three short years later he would be named dean. But, in 1977, he was... Read More
June 3, 2011 | Web First | by Laura Lehman Amstutz
Despite a small survey sample—only 215 out of more than 14,000 subscribers took the time to send back the two-page questionnaire in our Feb. 21 issue—it is clear that readers... Read More
June 3, 2011 | Web First | Ross Muir, Managing Editor

Larry Miller

The Global Christian Forum (GCF) has appointed Larry Miller to becomeRead More
June 2, 2011 | Web First | Byron Rempel-Burkholder, editor
A senior ecumenist has welcomed growing co-operation between leaders of European institutions and churches, and predicted a growing advisory role for religious communities. "I... Read More
May 31, 2011 | Web First | By Jonathan Luxmoore

German Mennonite theologian Fernando Enns, who first proposed the Decade to Overcome Violence, speaks at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Kingston, Jamaica, an event held to celebrate the decade. WCC photo by Peter Williams

Participants at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC)—held in JamaicaRead More
May 26, 2011 | Web First | Staff reports

Elsie Rempel and her granddaughters Johanna, left, and Sophia, right, pose through their vehicle’s windshield on a summer vacation last year.

In many traditional cultures, elders are older people who are revered as keepers of wisdom. In North America’s current youth-glorifying post-everything-online culture, older... Read More
May 25, 2011 | Focus On | By Elsie Rempel

St. Clair O’Connor residents Julia Bringau, Jane Huggins, Mae King, Joyce Cockburn and Doris Cullen enjoy the community’s tea room, a place where residents and the public can enjoy a drink or shop for gifts.

As Canada’s population ages at an ever-faster pace, Toronto’s St. Clair O’Connor Community may hold the key to keeping seniors independent longer, and teaching young people to... Read More
May 25, 2011 | Focus On | By Emily Loewen

Although The Liptonians are not a religious band, singer-guitarist Bucky Driedger, left, says his Mennonite heritage has influenced the way he writes the band’s lyrics.

Writers with Mennonite roots, like David Bergen, Miriam Toews and Di Brandt, have long dominated southern Manitoba’s literary scene. Now, the community’s music scene is... Read More
May 25, 2011 | Artbeat | By Aaron Epp

Tavis Weber checks on loaves of fresh-baked whole-grain whole-wheat bread at the Golden Hearth Bakery he owns with his wife Heidi in downtown, Kitchener, Ont.

“There are some things I don’t understand,” opines Bruce Weber about his nephew, Tavis Weber. “The guy goes to school in music for four years and then he goes and buys a bakery.”... Read More
May 25, 2011 | God at work in Us | Dave Rogalsky
With eyes wide open about the visa challenges faced by international participants, especially youths, the Executive Committee of Mennonite World Conference (MWC) agreed on May 9... Read More
May 25, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Byron Rempel-Burkholder
While topics regarding sexuality have dominated the mainstream headlines in the past several weeks, Mennonite Church Canada and area church leaders have made a move that points to... Read More
May 25, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Rachel Bergen
River levels are changing daily at Camp Assiniboia as the Assiniboine River ebbs and flows around the south and east boundaries of the camp. Unprecedented volumes of water are... Read More
May 25, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Evelyn Rempel Petkau

Six graduates from Canada, are, from left, Alicia Buhler, Virginia Gerbrandt, Mark Tiessen-Dyck, Miles Reimer and Carrie Martens; Christine Kampen graduated in absentia. Photo by Steve Echols.

With words “God’s justice and God’s peace” from the first hymn in Hymnal: A Worship Book as a backdropRead More
May 24, 2011 | Web First | Mary E. Klassen

Layout and Design award for the Aug. 2, 2010 edition

The Canadian Mennonite has earned eight awards from the Canadian Church Press (CCP)Read More
May 20, 2011 | Web First | Staff report

Dr. Troy Osborne

Dr. Troy Osborne has been appointed as assistant professor of History at Conrad Grebel University College, beginning July 1, 2011, succeeding Arnold Snyder who retires in May... Read More
May 20, 2011 | Web First | Jennifer Konkle

Rev. Dr Margot Kaessmann: "It is time that religion refuses to be misused by pouring oil into the fire of war and hatred.”

The International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) formally opened here on May 18 as theologians, faith leaders and the prime minister of Jamaica welcomed some 1,000... Read More
May 19, 2011 | Web First | Staff writer

Al Hariri (above) has refused to support the appointment of Hezbollah-chosen Najib Miqati as the new prime minister.

Lebanese religious leaders have warned against growing internal divisions in their country and urged national leaders to work towards unity and tolerance, following a joint... Read More
May 17, 2011 | Web First | By Judith Sudilovsky
Sex and sexuality seemed to dominate the headlines this week, not only in North America but around the world,Read More
May 13, 2011 | Web First | Dick Benner, editor/publisher

General Secretary Larry Miller (left) and General Secretary-elect César García (right) share a light moment at the MWC Executive Committee meetings in Taipei, Taiwan. Photo by Merle Good

The rise of Anabaptist-related churches in the global South is becoming much more than a matter of membership. At this year’s meeting of the Mennonite World Conference’s Executive... Read More
May 13, 2011 | Web First | Byron Rempel-Burkholder

Young Anabaptists (YAB) helping to decide are (l to r) Melani Susanti, Indonesia; Tigist Gelagle, Ethiopia; Rodrigo Pedroza Garcia, Mexico; Kristina Toews, Canada; Sumana Basumata, India, and Carlos Alberto Alvarez Woo, Colombia. Seated are Adi Walujo, Indonesia; Edgardo Sanchez, Argentina; and Sandra Campos Cruz, Costa Rica.

With eyes wide open about the visa challenges faced by international participants,Read More
May 13, 2011 | Web First | Byron Rempel-Burkholder

Three generations of peacebuilders from Argentina are studying at SPI: Maria Karina Echazu, an attorney; her nephew Joaquin Echazu, a university student studying security issues; and Lilian Burlando (Maria Karina's mother and Joaquin's grandmother), director of a Peace Center in Teirra del Fuego. --Photo by Jim Bishop

Those entering the opening session of Eastern Mennonite University’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) were handed felt markers and circles of fabric. Their assignment: “Tell... Read More
May 12, 2011 | Web First | by Chris Edwards

Amy Kosari, of Ellswroth, Wis. a representative of a Presbyterian church belonging to the Synod of the Lakes and Prairies in the Twin Cities area, speaks against an amendment to eliminate the celibacy requirement for gay and lesbian clergy at the Peace Presbyterian Church in St. Louis Park, Minn. --AP Photo

Gay and lesbian advocates celebrated a landmark victory on May 10 when the Presbyterian Church (USA) entered the expanding ranks of Christian denominations that allow openly gay,... Read More
May 12, 2011 | Web First | By Daniel Burke
