News & Stories

Ernie Regehr, left, the cofounder of Project Ploughshares and a longtime peace advocate, holds the Pearson Peace Medal he received from Governor General David Johnston during a ceremony at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, Ont., on Jan. 21, while his wife Nancy looks on.

Ernie Regehr, cofounder of Project Ploughshares and longtime peace advocate, was honoured with the 2010 Pearson Peace Medal at a special ceremony in Ottawa last month. Established... Read More
February 16, 2011 | God at work in the World | By Ellen Shenk

Robert J. Suderman, MWC Peace Commission assistant secretary, left, and MWC Executive Committee member Adi Walujo, of the Gereja Injili di Tanah Jawa (GITJ) Mennonite Synod, share the podium at a teaching session in Indonesia.

“Our children and young people have no idea what it means to be Anabaptist or Mennonite. What is MWC going to do about that?” This concern, forthrightly expressed, came from a... Read More
February 16, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Robert J. Suderman
Trends in church membership in the United States remain stable, with churches that have grown in recent years showing continued growth and those with declining memberships... Read More
February 14, 2011 | Web First | By Chris Herlinger

Judith and Tom Snowdon

What happens next in Cairo is entirely up to the Egyptian people, MCC workers Tom and Judith Snowdon toldRead More
February 10, 2011 | Web First | Dick Benner, editor/publisher

Wes Epp has chaired the Drake growing project committee since its inception in 1998.

Drake, Saskatchewan, a small prairie village south of the number one, is home to about 200 people. While small in size, the community has madeRead More
February 7, 2011 | Web First | Emily Cain, Communications Officer

Israeli occupation authorities on Feb. 3 bulldozed Palestinian land in occupied Jerusalem's town of Issawiye and destroyed a water well, eyewitnesses reported.

A coalition of U.S. church bodies is calling on the Obama administration not to block a proposed United Nations Security Council resolution seeking an end to construction of... Read More
February 7, 2011 | Web First | By Chris Herlinger

John Wray, a 2010 alumnus of Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ont., won the 2010 C. Henry Smith Oratorical Contest with a speech titled “Seeing the Human in the Human.” (Conrad Grebel University College photo/Karl Juhlke)

John Wray believes he knows what it will take for peace to rule in everyday life, all over the world. The only catch is that we’ve all got an assignment. Wray, a 2010 alumnus of... Read More
February 4, 2011 | Web First | Ed Nyce, media and education coordinator

Long queues in Cairo have been common over the past few days outside bakeries selling subsidized bread, supermarkets and vegetable sellers. --Photo by Adam Makary/Al Jazeera English

February 3, 2011 | Web First | Staff reports

The animals will range in age from calves to springing heifers, and from grades to deep pedigreed purebreds

The 30th annual Heifer Relief sale sponsored by Ontario Mennonite Relief Sale Inc. will take place atRead More
February 2, 2011 | Web First | Anne L. Brubacher

--from Seeking Community website

Returning recently from a "seeking community tour," Paul Born, director of Tamarack Community here, says that "being in the southern US, in the birthplace of the Civil Rights... Read More
February 2, 2011 | Web First | Staff reports
In 2009, the high percentage of Canadian participants in the pastoral studies distance education program at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) left program... Read More
February 2, 2011 | Focus On | By Annette Brill Bergstresser

Christy Anderson, second from the left, shares her experience at Canadian Mennonite University with fellow students.

“Most universities are good at academics,” says Sue Sorensen, who teaches English literature at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) in Winnipeg, adding, though, “If you turn up on... Read More
February 2, 2011 | Focus On | By Josiah Neufeld

Solar Grebel students are thrilled to watch their green dreams take shape as they stand on the roof at Conrad Grebel University College with a partially installed solar thermal collector.

It started as an altruistic dream, but almost two years later a vision for a cleaner and greener Grebel has been realized. A student group began meeting in 2009 with the hope of... Read More
February 2, 2011 | Focus On | By Jennifer Konkle
Different people have different problems with the Bible, but what has troubled me the most over a few decades of reading the Bible and preaching regularly is that a lot of the... Read More
February 2, 2011 | Focus On | By Ed Neufeld


The book Through Fire and Water: An Overview of Mennonite History was first published in 1996 by Herald Press and presented the Mennonite faith story within the sweep of church... Read More
February 2, 2011 | Artbeat | By Jodi H. Beyeler

Victoria Neufeldt works on The Historian, a publication of the Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan, from her home office.

If you open the front cover of the Merriam-Webster’s Primary Dictionary, you’ll find acknowledgement of Victoria Neufeldt’s contribution in the preface. Lively illustrations make... Read More
February 2, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Karin Fehderau

Patrons at Sam’s Place in Winnipeg, Man., enjoy coffee, reading and good conversation under the watchful eye of ‘Sam,’ the Komodo dragon. The formerly independent, community-based, non-profit organization is now a part of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Manitoba and the board that ran it now acts in an advisory capacity.

Sam’s Place, a used book store, café and performing arts venue, has developed into a welcoming meeting place for people living in Elmwood, a working class neighbourhood in the... Read More
February 2, 2011 | God at work in the World | By Gladys Terichow

Frank O’Dea, a former homeless panhandler on the streets of Toronto, Ont., who went on to found the Second Cup chain, told MEDA convention participants in Calgary how to ‘unleash’ their entrepreneurship potential.

For Frank O’Dea, a second chance led to the founding of Second Cup, Canada’s first specialty coffee chain. Speaking to the annual convention of Mennonite Economic Development... Read More
February 2, 2011 | God at work in the World | By Wally Kroeker
“The simple and quaint have raised their voices, loudly, on ,” says the blog’s founder, Jeff McLain. Several hundred years ago, Mennonites and their Anabaptist... Read More
February 2, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Ross W. Muir

Jenna Grubaugh performs in the 2010 Goshen College spring mainstage play "Tartuffe" with fellow student Sam Jones (right). (Photo by Emily Miller/Goshen College Public Relations Office)

Goshen College graduated senior Jenna Grubaugh, a theater major from Vancouver, British Columbia, placed in the top 10 percent of the almost 400 actors nominated in the American... Read More
January 27, 2011 | Web First | By Liz Core

House band musicians Willem Moolenbeck (sax) and Dave Tompson (guitar) anchored the singing during the 2011 Epicurean Hootenanny

Wearing strings of beads reminiscent of Mardi Gras in New Orleans 220 people were transported to MississippiRead More
January 27, 2011 | Web First | Dave Rogalsky, Eastern Canada Correspondent

Elizabeth three years ago

Canada's oldest living person, Winkler's Elizabeth Buhler, has died just two weeks shy of her 112th birthday. “Liese” (as she was known to family) passed away Sunday night, Jan... Read More
January 26, 2011 | Web First | Jake Buhler

Stoltzfus died March 10, 2010

A video clip and book about the life of Gene Stoltzfus, co-founder of Christian Peacemakers, has been created at the direction of his widow, Dorothy Friesen of Fort Frances, Ont... Read More
January 25, 2011 | Web First | Staff reports

Donald Kraybill

Donald Kraybill, Distinguished College Professor and Senior Fellow in the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College, Pa., will give the 2011... Read More
January 24, 2011 | Web First | Jennifer Konkle

Palmer Becker will teach a course on Pastoral Care and Counselling at Bethlehem Bible College; his wife, Ardys, joins him later as librarian.

Though Jae Young Lee doesn’t think the recent North Korean shelling of South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island will lead to full-scale war, as Peace Program Coordinator for the Korea... Read More
January 21, 2011 | Web First | Deborah Froese
