News & Stories

The Canadian Christian Communicators Association again took to Zoom for its sophomore Awards of Merit ceremony, held on April 7. A total of 20 Canadian magazines, newspapers and... Read More
April 21, 2021 | News |

The building that has served Hanley (Sask.) Mennonite Church since 1956. (Photo courtesy of MC Saskatchewan website)

“I understand this as part of the life cycle of the church,” says Gary Peters. “We’ve been in the process of aging, now we’re in the process of dying.” This may be a painful way... Read More
April 21, 2021 | News | Donna Schulz

Byron Wiebe welcomes people to the Crossroads Community Church drive-through event on Easter weekend. (Photo by Cory Buettner)

Members of Chilliwack’s Crossroads Community Church found a creative way on Easter weekend to both introduce its new pastor in person and to celebrate Easter with the community... Read More
April 21, 2021 | News | Amy Rinner Waddell

Peace activists, Sahar Vardi, right, a Jewish Israeli, and Tarek Al-Zoughbi, a Christian Palestinian, are pictured during their cross-Canada speaking tour in 2018 sponsored by MCC. They are also featured in ‘David and Goliath,’ an episode in MCC Ontario’s podcast, Undercurrents, which explores the history and current situation in Palestine and Israel. (File photo by Byron Rempel-Burkholder)

At its 2016 assembly, Mennonite Church Canada passed a resolution affirming nonviolent efforts of Palestinians and Israelis to overcome injustice in their region, and committing... Read More
April 21, 2021 | News | Janet Bauman

The main course of a meal made by ‘The Gourmet Girls.’ (Photo by Daunine Rachert)

Imagine if you could eat at a five-star restaurant every Saturday night, even during COVID-19. That’s what has been happening in one neighbourhood in Calgary since May 2020. A... Read More
April 21, 2021 | News | Joanne De Jong
“ Woven: Mennonite Women Together ” is the new name of the formerly titled Mennonite Women Manitoba Working Group. The group shed its long moniker as part of its rebranding this... Read More
April 21, 2021 | News | Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe

Grow Hope Niagara

Forty-one acres in Campden, Ont., are being cultivated, planted and harvested for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, with sponsorships of $400 an acre helping to plant a crop for the... Read More
April 21, 2021 | News | Maria H. Klassen

Hyejung Jessie Yum, left, and Kevin Koop, right, are beneficiaries of Mennonite Church Canada’s Company of 1000 fund.

Mennonite Church Canada is renewing its call for applicants to the Company of 1000 Study Reserve fund and also for people to become regular donors to the fund. The Company of 1000... Read More
April 20, 2021 | Web First |

From left to right: David Driedger, Leah Gazan, John Clarke

“ Loose the chains of injustice . . . set the oppressed free and break every yoke .” These words from Isaiah are not confined to dusty village squares thousands of years ago—they... Read More
April 7, 2021 | News | Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe

Werner De Jong was the plenary speaker at this year’s MC Alberta annual delegate sessions, held on Zoom this year. His messages focused on the theme ‘Love one another,’ as part of the regional church’s launch of its Year 2 vision: ‘Encountering, Embracing, Embodying Christ in Community.’ (Screenshot by Joanne De Jong)

Brenda Tiessen-Wiens, Mennonite Church Alberta’s moderator, said “Wow!” Peter Za Zor Sang, the secretary of the Calgary Chin Christian Church, kept repeatedly asking, “How blessed... Read More
April 7, 2021 | News | Joanne De Jong

The Teusaquillo Mennonite Church in Bogotá, Colombia, provides food, programs and care for children in need, including those displaced by violence elsewhere in the country and Venezuelan migrants. (Photo by Jonathan Stucky)

Mennonites in Colombia and Canada are reinvigorating a 76-year-old relationship. It started last fall when Iglesias Cristianas Menonitas de Colombia (IMCOL)—the Colombian... Read More
April 7, 2021 | News | Will Braun

Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Abbotsford, B.C., advertises that worship services are to remain online for the time being, as churches in the province remain closed. (Photo by Amy Rinner Waddell)

With some Fraser Valley congregations insisting on their right to meet for public worship during the current pandemic, Mennonite Church B.C. leadership is encouraging its churches... Read More
April 7, 2021 | News | Amy Rinner Waddell

Leonard Enns conducts a DaCapo Chamber Choir rehearsal in a Waterloo parkade during COVID-19 restrictions. Enns won a recent composition competition with a piece called “A Little More Time,” which he wrote as part of a personal challenge to write a short choral work each week during the early part of the pandemic. (Chestnut Hall Music screenshot)

When the novel coronavirus pandemic broke out last spring, shutting down so many activities, Leonard Enns gave himself a challenge: to write a short choral work of three to four... Read More
April 7, 2021 | People | Janet Bauman

When Lois Siemens travelled to Ukraine, she took several communion cups with her. Pictured are two communion cups in a former Mennonite church in Petershagen. (Photo by Lois Siemens)

What does one do with a cracker box full of used communion cups? This was the dilemma facing Lois Siemens as she drove from Saskatoon to Winnipeg in July 2016. Siemens had just... Read More
April 7, 2021 | Focus On Books & Resources | Donna Schulz

Finding Refuge in Canada: Narratives of Dislocation by George Melnyk and Christina Parkerv

Canadians who sponsor refugees often discover that the task comes with surprises and challenges. This collection of essays provides insight into Canada’s changing refugee policy... Read More
April 7, 2021 | Focus On Books & Resources | Barb Draper

Once a Wizard was inspired by the author’s first experience with death. (Photo courtesy of Curtis L. Wiebe)

A new book invites readers to explore themes of loss and grief while imagining their own story. Once a Wizard is a wordless children’s book created by Winnipeg author and... Read More
April 7, 2021 | Focus On Books & Resources | Aaron Epp

(Photo composition by Betty Avery)

Theology, Spirituality The End of Religion: Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus , Expanded Edition . Bruxy Cavey. Herald Press, 2020, 375 pages. Cavey has updated... Read More
April 7, 2021 | Focus On Books & Resources | Barb Draper

(Graphic by Betty Avery)

To watch “Who cares? The elderly among us... ” (length 1:27:30). In the light of COVID-19, a panel explores how the pandemic has challenged systems that care for elders and offers... Read More
April 7, 2021 | Focus On Books & Resources | Virginia A. Hostetler

MWC stands in solidarity with its member churches in joy and struggle. Pablo Stucky, left, speaks with members of Iglesia Hermanos Menonitas Peruana on a Deacons delegation visit after a severe flooding event. (MWC photo by Henk Stenvers)

“Hello. How can I join you?” This question often comes through the social media accounts of Mennonite World Conference (MWC). But what does it mean to be a member of MWC? MWC... Read More
April 6, 2021 | Web First |

Students at the Bishop Mazzolari Secondary School, near Rumbek, South Sudan, all received dignity kits—Mennonite Central Committee's newest resource kit. (Photo courtesy of Loreto School)

The newest Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) resource kit will support vulnerable women and girls with dignity. The new dignity kit contains hygiene and sanitary items tailored... Read More
April 5, 2021 | Web First | Jason Dueck

‘It does not fall to me to judge the journey of others,’ Jane Philpott says in her TEDx talk.

In a talk posted on YouTube earlier this month, university dean and former member of parliament Jane Philpott reflects on two detours that changed her path. During the 18-minute... Read More
March 31, 2021 | Web First | Aaron Epp

Jo Snyder is the author of ‘The Vegan Mennonite Kitchen,’ a new cookbook published by Pandora Press. (Photo courtesy of Jo Snyder)

Jo Snyder has moved around Canada pursuing a career in communications and toured across Europe playing punk music, but a new project has brought her back to her Mennonite roots in... Read More
March 24, 2021 | Web First | Aaron Epp

During a memorial service held as part of MC Saskatchewan’s annual delegate sessions, Kirsten Hamm-Epp lights a candle for three congregations that, in 2020, made the difficult decision to close. Superb Mennonite closed in May 2020. Hanley Mennonite and Zoar Mennonite in Waldheim will close in 2021. (Screenshot by Donna Schulz)

“We hear God’s voice from a place of knowing who we are,” said Kirsten Hamm-Epp. In her meditation that opened Mennonite Church Saskatchewan’s annual delegate sessions, the... Read More
March 24, 2021 | News | Donna Schulz

(Screenshot by Mennonite World Conference)

Following the decision to offer the 2022 Mennonite World Conference (MWC) assembly in Indonesia as a hybrid event, the Program Committee members and assembly staff are now re-... Read More
March 24, 2021 | News |

Rick Neufeld, MC Manitoba’s director of leadership ministry, gave his report from the ice. A lively hockey team debate ensued in the Zoom chat room! (Screenshot by Darryl Neustaedter Barg)

Mennonite Church Manitoba’s 74th annual gathering was confined to screens this year due to the ongoing pandemic, but reports of the regional church’s work came from all over the... Read More
March 24, 2021 | News | Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe
