News & Stories

Scripture is read in five languages at Peace Church on 52nd on Nov. 10. (Photo by Sue Kim)

On Peace Sunday, Nov. 10, five metro Vancouver Mennonite Church British Columbia congregations gathered for a service of unity with a focus on peace. They met at Peace Church on... Read More
November 6, 2019 | News | Henry Neufeld

Norm Dyck, right, the new MC Eastern Canada mission minister, presents Brian Bauman with a tribute T-shirt as part of retirement celebrations for Bauman held at the regional church’s fourth annual Mission Festival at First Mennonite Church in Kitchener on Oct 26. (Photo by Mollee Moua)

“Jesus Christ is present here. Alleluia!” sang enthusiastic worshippers in many languages to begin the fourth annual Mennonite Church Eastern Canada multicultural Mission Festival... Read More
November 6, 2019 | People | Janet Bauman
Justin Trudeau has another four years to make a mark. (Photo by the Office of the President of the United States) While many candidates in the fall election campaign appealed to... Read More
November 6, 2019 | News | Will Braun

Former MP Romeo Saganash, left, and Steve Heinrichs, MC Canada’s director of Indigenous-Settler Relations, and members of the CMU community met on Oct. 16 in an effort to ensure that all 46 articles of UNDRIP are implemented in Canadian law. (CMU photo)

Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) students, staff and faculty gathered on Oct. 16 to hear Roméo Saganash speak on how Indigenous political leaders are keeping up the fight to... Read More
November 6, 2019 | News | Beth Downey Sawatsky

A view from the AMBS campus in Elkhart, Ind. (Photo courtesy of AMBS)

Following the appointment of the next president of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS), details are emerging regarding what led the search committee to enter an “... Read More
November 6, 2019 | News | Sheldon C. Good

Mabel Paetkau, second from left, a former MCC refugee sponsorship coordinator, poses with the Quach family, who were one of the first Vietnamese families to arrive in Abbotsford, B.C. (MCC B.C. photo)

Those who attended Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) B.C.’s 2019 annual meeting on Oct. 19 were treated to a Vietnamese cultural experience as they entered the gym at King Road... Read More
November 6, 2019 | News | Sharon Cymbaluk

Colleen Dyck of Niverville, Man., right, visited and worked with Lucy Anyango on her farm in Busia, Kenya. ‘[Lucy] is a role model not just to her community, but to me,’ says Dyck. (Photo by Meagan Silencieux)

A full house of more than 200 people gathered at the Park Theatre in Winnipeg on Oct. 15, a day before the United Nations-designated World Food Day, for the release of a new... Read More
November 6, 2019 | News | Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe

Proving you’re never too young to learn about healthy boundaries, Pastor Will Loewen and his son Sebastian sit together at this year’s Equipping Day at Trinity Mennonite Church. (Photo by Helena Ball)

When Don Baergen, an elder at Holyrood Mennonite Church in Edmonton, heard that Mennonite Church Alberta was hosting an Equipping Day on healthy boundaries, he decided to go since... Read More
November 6, 2019 | News | Joanne De Jong

Tom Yoder Neufeld, standing, describes the church as God’s recycling project. Speaking at MC Saskatchewan’s continuing education event, Yoder Neufeld led participants in exploring Paul’s writings and Jesus’ teachings, to learn what it means to walk deeply together. (Photo by Donna Schulz)

Tom Yoder Neufeld likens God’s work with the church to an artist who creates a beautiful work of art out of things others have thrown away. The professor emeritus of religious... Read More
November 6, 2019 | News | Donna Schulz

A stack of 780 songs greeted members of the Mennonite Worship and Song Committee when they arrived for their final meeting. (Photos courtesy of MennoMedia)

A stack of paper containing 780 songs and a binder of 320 worship resources greeted each member of the Voices Together committee when they arrived for their 10th and final... Read More
November 5, 2019 | Web First | MennoMedia

Kelsey Enns is leading a Bible study in Winnipeg that asks the questions, “How is our faith shaped by our history?” and, “Can we decolonize how we read the Bible?” (Photo by Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe)

A Bible study in Winnipeg is asking the questions, “How is our faith shaped by our history?” and, “Can we decolonize how we read the Bible?” Kelsey Enns leads the group in reading... Read More
November 4, 2019 | Web First | Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe

An old German Bible, top, and Gesangbuch, once treasured by their owners, are now part of Tim Martens Bible Collection Project. (Photos by Donna Schulz)

Tim Martens carefully unwraps a pair of tattered-looking old books. One is an ancient German Bible, its text printed in fine Gothic script, the other an old Gesangbuch or songbook... Read More
October 29, 2019 | Web First | Donna Schulz

The 2018-19 Westgate Concert Choir inside the Ralph Connor House. (Photo courtesy of YouTube)

The 2018-19 Westgate Mennonite Collegiate Concert Choir has something to help get you into a playful Halloween spirit. Last June, the choir filmed a video for its rendition of “... Read More
October 25, 2019 | Web First | Aaron Epp

Edmonton Christian Life Community Church, which has membership in three Mennonite denominations, rents space from St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in downtown Edmonton. (Photos by Ken Tse)

Each week, a little band of disciples known as Edmonton Christian Life Community Church meets at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in downtown Edmonton, where many homeless... Read More
October 23, 2019 | News | Joanne De Jong

Eighty people from different Mennonite churches, denominations and even provinces participated in Sargent Avenue Mennonite’s hymnal sing-a-thon weekend at the end of September. (Photo by Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe)

Over the span of a single weekend, Sean Goerzen sang or played every single hymn in the blue-backed Hymnal: A Worship Book . All 658 of them. “I feel like I know the hymnal in a... Read More
October 23, 2019 | News | Nicolien Klassen-Wiebe

John Gascho and Melody Neufeld have launched a centring prayer group that meets bi-weekly at Osler (Sask.) Mennonite Church. (Photo by Donna Schulz)

A solitary candle flickers on a low table in the middle of a darkened room. Participants chat quietly with one another as they wait for the session to begin, having come to... Read More
October 23, 2019 | News | Donna Schulz

Lao Christian Fellowship in St. Catharines officially became a Mennonite congregation in 1983. (Photo by Maria H. Klassen)

After many years of war in and around Laos, the Laos PDR party took over in 1975, and hundreds of thousands of Laotians escaped to Thailand. Under Canada’s Private Sponsorship of... Read More
October 23, 2019 | News | Maria H. Klassen

Nancy Frey, left, is pictured teaching at the Benin Bible Institute in Cotonou, Benin. (Photo courtesy of Nancy Frey and Bruce Yoder)

Nancy Frey remembers as a young child seeing a bird flying by and telling her mother, “Someday I am going to be like that bird and fly away.” She did just that, spending a year in... Read More
October 23, 2019 | People | Janet Bauman

‘Created in His Image’ by Valerie Wiebe.

Her parents called her Dynamite. Although she didn’t care for the nickname when she was a child, Valerie Wiebe has come to appreciate its layers of meaning. The Langham, Sask.,... Read More
October 23, 2019 | People | Donna Schulz

Korean Anabaptist Journal

Eight years ago this fall, a group of 10 Korean Mennonites met at Sherbrooke Mennonite Church in Vancouver and decided to start a magazine. The publication would be a resource for... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Focus On Books & Resources | Katie Doke Sawatzky
Once upon a time, living in splendid isolation, Mennonite men were moulded differently from the rest of society. Worshipping in a traditional peace church with a different set of... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Focus On Books & Resources | Reviewed by Doug Amstutz

Gordon Toombs, left, was deceived by the Canadian military when he tried to register as a conscientious objector during the Second World War. His recent book, "L74298: Recollections of a Conscientious Objector in World War II," is dedicated to Conrad Stoesz, right, archivist at Winnipeg’s Mennonite Heritage Archives, in gratitude for revealing the deception.

Gordon Toombs was deceived by the Canadian military when he tried to register as a conscientious objector (CO) during the Second World War. His recent book, L74298: Recollections... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Focus On Books & Resources | Dan Dyck
What was your response the last time a good friend asked you how you were doing? If you said with a laugh or a moan, “Too busy,” or just offered an eye roll, this book might be... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Focus On Books & Resources | Melodie M. Davis
Stephanie Lobdell grew up in the church as a pastor’s kid. She was a high achiever with dreams of becoming a missionary, but things didn’t work out as she had hoped and she... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Focus On Books & Resources | Barb Draper


Theology, Spirituality Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus . Jim Wallis. HarperCollins, 2019. Wallis argues that many Christians have become disconnected from Jesus’... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Focus On Books & Resources | Barb Draper
