News & Stories


Tim Froese, former executive director of Mennonite Church Canada’s International Ministries program, has assumed the position of executive secretary of Witness, filling the post... Read More
June 22, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Dick Benner

Jesus Radicals and others replace the American and U.N. flags on the campus of Goshen College with the Agnus Dei and Earth flags. This was a protest against the college's decision to play the national anthem a year ago.

Praise, support, indifference, disbelief, outrage — and lots of media attention. Responses to a Goshen College decision not to play the national anthem covered a wide range of... Read More
June 20, 2011 | Web First | By Sheldon C. Good

Leymah Gbowee, executive director of Women Peace and Security Network-Africa, and Abigail Disney, the producer of documentaries on women peacebuilders, including one featuring Gbowee in Liberia, “Pray the Devil Back to Hell.” --Photo by Lindsey Kolb/EMU

Filmmaker Abigail Disney says she learned “to look at war through women’s eyes,” as a result of visiting Liberia in 2006 and meeting Leymah Gbowee, who now holds a masters in... Read More
June 17, 2011 | Web First | by Bonnie Price Lofton

Martin Junge is the first Latin American to hold the office of general secretary..

At a meeting in Geneva that concluded on June 14, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Council approved plans for three-way talks that will include Lutherans, Roman Catholics, and... Read More
June 17, 2011 | Web First | By ENInews Staff
The youth group at a Waterloo church is using rain water at a fundraising car wash on Saturday as they raise money and awareness for water conservation projects in Africa... Read More
June 17, 2011 | Young Voices | Brent Davis

During a two-decade period of brutal dictatorship, in 1979, Brazilian church workers and dissenting lawyers found a loophole in the legal system allowing them to gather evidence of atrocities and other abuses committed by the military regime.

Three boxes containing records of brutal torture and repression suffered under two decadesRead More
June 14, 2011 | Web First | By John Zarocostas
The federal election came and went, our elected representatives have filled the House of Commons, and campaigners have removed all the lawn signs. Now that the partisan dust has... Read More
June 14, 2011 | Young Voices | Emily Loewen
After the May 2 election, Young Voices asked some readers their thoughts on faith and politics. Along with three anonymous responders, these fine folks gave us their opinions: •... Read More
June 14, 2011 | Young Voices | Emily Loewen
The new Young Anabaptists’ (YABs) Committee of Mennonite World Conference has made stronger international fellowship the focus of their projects for the coming year. Meeting May 2... Read More
June 14, 2011 | Young Voices | Elina Ciptadi-Perkins

Tim Froese replaces Janet Plenert

Tim Froese, executive director of Mennonite Church Canada’s International Ministry program, now heads the office of WitnessRead More
June 13, 2011 | Web First | Canadian Mennonite from staff reports

Mr. William, far left, owns Moriya Fruits Shop in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. His shop has been reclaimed from tsunami damage and is again open to serve the community. Also pictured are (l.-r.), Willie Reimer, MCC; Takeshi Komino, CWS; Shingo Kobayashi, who heads CWS’ implementing partner organization in the city; and volunteer “Dancho."

Japan in May, MCC director of Food, Disaster and Material Resources Willie Reimer was reminded that response to disaster must be personal and address individual trauma, however... Read More
June 10, 2011 | Web First | By Cheryl Zehr Walker

Bishop Munib Younan: "Popular uprisings in support of democracy in Northern Africa and the Middle East should be an important opportunity for churches in Arab countries."

The president of the Lutheran World Federation, (LWF), Bishop Munib Younan, urged members to pursue justice in the world, as the federation's governing Council considers a... Read More
June 10, 2011 | Web First | By Meritxell Mir
This spring’s federal election rekindled my interest in Canadian politics after I’d experienced disillusionment with the whole process. Several elections changed nothing and the... Read More
June 8, 2011 | Young Voices | By Susan Guenther Loewen
Growing up, Miriam Rudolph always said she wanted to be an artist . . . or a gardener. Now, only 28 and working as a full-time printmaker, she gets to live out one of her... Read More
June 8, 2011 | Young Voices | Emily Loewen
Here begins a new adventure: Canadian Mennonite ’s Young Voices section. What is this section, you ask? Why is it here? Upon reflection, the magazine realized that its readership... Read More
June 8, 2011 | Young Voices | Emily Loewen

Coptic Christians protest against violence by Muslims.

The security situation in Egypt has "deteriorated considerably" since former president Hosni Mubarak stepped down on Feb. 11, leaving a security vacuum and Christians feeling "... Read More
June 8, 2011 | Web First | By Judith Sudilovsky

Nettie Baer, left, sits with her nephew, John Thiessen. Waterloo Region author Erica Jantzen, who helped with Nettie’s Story: The Pax Years, Feb. 1954 - Nov. 1956, stands behind them at the book launch on May 16.

“Will the fellows like my cooking?” wondered Nettie Redekopp in 1954 as she arrived at the Pax post-World War II rebuilding project in Wedel, Germany. That question haunted her... Read More
June 8, 2011 | Artbeat | By Dave Rogalsky

Tyler Yantzi, centre, moves compostable paper bowls from a blue box into the green bins as volunteers Scott Bauman, left, and Mark Brubacher, right, look on.

One of the stated goals of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is creation care, to the point of MCC Ontario hiring Darren Kropf part-time to spearhead this effort in congregations... Read More
June 8, 2011 | Focus On | By Dave Rogalsky

Lynette Froese displays some of her Wheat Song Bakery products that are all made from organic, locally grown grains and natural yeasts.

Lynette Froese is reluctant to call her unique career a business, or even a career. “I was raised to consider work as a form of service, so I try to see this work not just as a... Read More
June 8, 2011 | God at work in Us | By Evelyn Rempel Petkau
You are doing a wonderful job at this point of time. I see you change ideas as times change. Good! Have the confidence that you are aware that endeavours like this can remain... Read More
June 8, 2011 | God at work in the Church |
Despite a small survey sample—only 215 out of more than 14,000 subscribers took the time to send back the two-page questionnaire in our Feb. 21 issue—it is clear that readers... Read More
June 8, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Ross W. Muir
“Where have you been today?” the customs officer at the Edmonton International Airport asked. My wife Winifred named the places: “Meridian, Miss.; Atlanta, Ga.; Minneapolis, Minn... Read More
June 8, 2011 | God at work in the World | By Aaron A. Lehman

All that’s left of the home of Abe and Rita Dyck of Slave Lake, Alta., after last month’s wildfire wreaked havoc to the town of 7,000.

In the past month, wildfires in northern Alberta devastated the community of Slave Lake, with the resulting losses coming to the attention of both Mennonite Mutual Insurance (MMI... Read More
June 8, 2011 | God at work in the World | By Donita Wiebe-Neufeld

Tony Peters looks at his flooded farmland. The Manitoba farmer hopes this year’s flooding prompts the province to re-examine its entire flood-protection system to better balance the negative effects of flooding.

While Winnipeggers remained dry and free from the worry of flooding this spring, this is not the case for farmers living near the Portage Diversion,Read More
June 8, 2011 | God at work in the World | By Rachel Bergen
Participants at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC)—held last month in Kingston, Jamaica, to celebrate the end of the Decade to Overcome Violence—released a... Read More
June 8, 2011 | God at work in the World |
