News & Stories

“I have a new appreciation for the phrase, ‘spreads like wildfire,’” says Patrick Drapeau. He and his wife, Rachel, live in Fort McMurray, the Alberta community that has faced... Read More
May 10, 2016 | Web First | Donita Wiebe-Neufeld
For an hour each week we sit together. Most of us are mostly silent. Sometimes we listen, sometimes we sing, sometimes we wander off in thought. Sometimes I wonder what other... Read More
May 4, 2016 | God at work in the Church | Will Braun
The Naked Anabaptist , by British author Stuart Murray, summarizes the foundational tenets of Anabaptism, but “I have a feeling it wouldn’t have sold quite as well with a... Read More
May 4, 2016 | God at work in the Church |
Henry Krause, pastor of Langley (B.C.) Mennonite Fellowship, was elected chair of the Canadian Mennonite Publishing Service (CMPS) board at its 45th annual meeting, held at... Read More
May 4, 2016 | God at work in the Church |
The number of people in the vessels may have been smaller this year, but it didn’t seem to matter in the end for the total earned at the 2016 Camp Squeah paddle-a-thon When the... Read More
May 4, 2016 | God at work in the Church | Amy Rinner Waddell
“Don’t get too used to this kind of event,” said Rick Cober Bauman, executive director of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ontario, to gales of warm laughter as he welcomed... Read More
May 4, 2016 | God at work in the World |
A farmer disappointed by tumbling returns on his cassava crop is still eager to use a portion of his property for a future youth Bible camp facility. Another man is excited to... Read More
May 4, 2016 | God at work in the World | Deborah Froese
When missionaries arrived in Colombia to establish the country’s first Mennonite congregations, Tulio Pedraza and his wife Sofía became two of their first converts. They were... Read More
May 4, 2016 | God at work in Us |

Johnny Wideman co-wrote Yellow Bellies with his fellow Theatre of the Beat member, Rebecca Steiner. (Photo courtesy of Johnny Wideman)

After exploring lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer inclusion in the Mennonite church in This Will Lead to Dancing , the Stouffville, Ont.-based theatre company Theatre of the... Read More
May 4, 2016 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp
The following article was originally given as a short speech at a community supper at Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont., where Maia Fujimoto lived in residence for... Read More
May 4, 2016 | Young Voices | Maia Fujimoto

Photo by Dave Rogalsky

Building of a light-rail transit system along the spine of Waterloo and Kitchener had to change focus in March 2016, when excavations in uptown Waterloo exposed the remains of a... Read More
May 4, 2016 | Back Page | Dave Rogalsky
Calling themselves the Basket Cases, a small group of women meets monthly for a fibre arts challenge at The Clothes Basket, a Mennonite Central Committee thrift store in Rosthern... Read More
May 3, 2016 | Web First |
Marianne Jantzi is the author of Simple Pleasures: Stories from My Life as an Amish Mother , which has just been released by Herald Press as part of its Plainspoken series by... Read More
May 3, 2016 | Web First |
Sergey Deynekin has dreams for the Chernobaevka Church in southern Ukraine. A bi-vocational pastor who works in the building trade, he developed architectural plans for a future... Read More
May 3, 2016 | Web First | Deborah Froese
The board of governors of Conrad Grebel University College announced that president Susan Schultz Huxman has accepted the call to become the president of Eastern Mennonite... Read More
May 3, 2016 | Web First |
Mennonites are responding to the recent earthquakes in Ecuador, where members of multiple Mennonite congregations are among 100,000 people affected by the disaster. A 7.8-... Read More
April 25, 2016 | Web First |
Masum Khandakar is a Bangladeshi rice farmer with a craggy face and a jutting white beard that flares as wide as the wings of his collared shirt. His voice goes high when his... Read More
April 21, 2016 | Web First | J. Neufeld
A futsal (soccer) park project in Gaborone, Botswana, is springing to life with the help of children who are following God’s lead. Despite an encouraging start to this development... Read More
April 20, 2016 | God at work in the World | Nathan Dirks
The Ojibway word for medicine is mush-ki-ki , meaning “strength of the earth” or “power from the soil,” explained David Daniels of Long Plain First Nation, located near Portage La... Read More
April 20, 2016 | God at work in the World |
Listening on both sides is vital as indigenous people and settlers continue to learn to walk beside, and relate to, each other. This was one key point that some 70 participants... Read More
April 20, 2016 | God at work in the World | Amy Rinner Waddell
It was the re-entry of the commercial banks into the agricultural lending sector that tipped the balance at Mennonite Savings and Credit Union (MSCU), prompting its leaders to... Read More
April 20, 2016 | God at work in the Church |
John Biakte, left, Tha Kim and Nan Tin enjoy their first experience of making pizza dough on Feb. 13, 2016, with instruction from Karin Krahn, right. More than 20 people from... Read More
April 20, 2016 | God at work in the Church | Brenda Tiessen-Wiens
Peter Harder, a retired senior bureaucrat and high-level corporate advisor with Mennonite roots, was named by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as the Liberal government’s leader in... Read More
April 20, 2016 | God at work in Us |
Spending time with his band mates is one of the first things Oh Village singer/pianist Scott Currie mentions when asked about the best part of making Ocris, the band’s second full... Read More
April 20, 2016 | Young Voices |
Six months into his first pastoral job, Moses Falco feels very inadequate. “Am I really cut out for this?” and “Do I have the skills to be in this position?” are questions he has... Read More
April 20, 2016 | Young Voices |
