News & Stories

Being the church in the 21st century is no easy task, Robert J. Suderman told the delegates and pastors gathered at Eden Mennonite Church, Chilliwack early last month for the... Read More
May 3, 2010 | God at work in the Church | By Dick Benner
The response of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) to Haiti’s Jan. 12 earthquake will gradually shift from the capital city of Port-au-Prince to rural communities that are expected... Read More
May 3, 2010 | God at work in the World | By Linda Espenshade
The Friesen Family Band just keeps getting better! As quickly as the children grow, the seven-member family grows in its music, adding instruments, expertise and new material. On... Read More
May 3, 2010 | Artbeat | Reviewed by Donita Wiebe-Neufeld
New cookbooks are ubiquitous, and family histories have become popular, but a cookbook that is a family history—or a family history that is a cookbook—is a curious hybrid. Lisa... Read More
May 3, 2010 | Focus On | By Evelyn Rempel Petkau
Theology 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus . Paul M. Zehr. Herald Press, 2010, 406 pages. This is the 22nd volume of the Believers Church Bible Commentary Series. Zehr has many years of... Read More
May 3, 2010 | Focus On | Canadian Mennonite

Richard Twiss, a Lakota First Nation “follower of Jesus,” speaks animatedly during an address at Peace Mennonite Church, Richmond, B.C, last month.

Mitakuye Oyasin (“All my relations”). With these words of greeting, Richard Twiss, a Lakota First Nations speaker, author and “follower of Jesus,” began two evenings of teaching... Read More
April 19, 2010 | God at work in Us | By Angelika Dawson
In his welcoming comments to the 2010 Mennonite Church Alberta delegate sessions, Erwin Wiens, pastor of the host Trinity Mennonite Church, described the area church, made up of... Read More
April 19, 2010 | God at work in the Church | By Dick Benner
A University of Regina professor caused a commotion last month when he spoke out against the practice of paying the full tuition of children of slain Canadian soldiers. Jeffery... Read More
April 19, 2010 | God at work in the World | By Karin Fehderau


For Mennonite Publishing Network (MPN), the ministry of publishing is growing ever more complex. The mission for the publisher of Mennonite Church Canada and MC U.S.A. remains the... Read More
April 19, 2010 | Artbeat | By Deborah Froese

University student Melinda Goertz poses with her baking and the fair trade products she used to create them.

Indian dancers from the Swastini Dance Group led by Swati and Nidhi Juthani swirled over the stage at Victoria Park Pavilion in Kitchener on March 27. Both traditional and “... Read More
April 19, 2010 | Focus On | By Dave Rogalsky

Bonnie Sawatzky, a member of Peace Mennonite Church, Richmond, B.C., was the first to carry the Paralympic torch upon its arrival in Vancouver. She is pictured with her supporters and Leon, her service dog.

When Bonnie Sawatzky rolled her wheelchair down the student union plaza hill just after lighting the Paralympic torch at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver last... Read More
April 5, 2010 | God at work in Us | By Amy Dueckman

Gene Stoltzfus

Gene Stoltzfus, the founding director of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), died of a heart attack in Fort Frances, Ont., while bicycling near his home on the first spring-like day... Read More
April 5, 2010 | God at work in Us | From Christian Peacemaker Teams Releases

An artist’s rendering of the new Columbia Bible College residence, anticipated to cost $3.5 million.

Fundraising for a new residence hall, estimated to cost $3.5 million, is underway at Columbia Bible College (CBC). The four-storey residence for 134 students will be located on a... Read More
April 5, 2010 | God at work in the Church | By Amy Dueckman
It’s been six months since Whitewater Mennonite Church in Boissevain, Man., laid aside its committee work, to rest, read Scripture, and engage in prayer and fellowship with one... Read More
April 5, 2010 | God at work in the Church | By Canadian Mennonite Staff

Emmanuel Ali El-Shariff

When Christians proclaim the unique claims of God to Muslims, it often goes awry when they bring Jesus into the equation, according to Emmanuel Ali El-Shariff, who says it is... Read More
April 5, 2010 | God at work in the World | Rachel Bergen

André Gingerich Stoner, director of interchurch relations for Mennonite Church U.S.A., left, talks with Walter Sawatsky, who has recently edited a book of proceedings from consultations that brought together representatives of Reformation movements in Europe.

Walter Sawatsky, professor of church history and mission at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS), has edited proceedings of two ecumenical consultations in a newly... Read More
April 5, 2010 | Artbeat | By Mary E. Klassen
Four years after Winkler hosted more than a hundred combines in an attempt to set a record for harvesting 65 hectares, the rural southern Manitoba community is at it again. On Aug... Read More
April 5, 2010 | Focus On | From a Children’s Camps International Release
A team of five cyclists, made up of Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) faculty members and alumni will race from Vancouver to Winnipeg in pursuit of ultra-marathon cyclist Arvid... Read More
April 5, 2010 | Focus On | Canadian Mennonite University Release

Arisnel and Syvelie Mesidor are together at last in their Winnipeg home after a frightening separation. She was a victim of the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti, while he was studying at Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg.

Jan. 12 was a day like no other for Arisnel Mesidor . On this day, Haiti, his homeland—and the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere—was devastated by a 7.0 magnitude... Read More
March 22, 2010 | God at work in Us | By Rachel Bergen

Alan Kreider, keynote speaker at this year’s Mennonite Church Saskatchewan annual delegate sessions, helped participants overcome obstacles to witnessing to their faith in Christ in a multicultural and multi-faith world.

Freed from some of the Mennonite ethnic restraints of the past, some 50 pastors from Mennonite Church Saskatchewan attending the annual delegate sessions last month conversed with... Read More
March 22, 2010 | God at work in the Church | By Dick Benner

Patti Friesen, left, and Erna Funk ham it up during a report on Rosthern Mennonite Nursing Home at this year’s MC Saskatchewan annual delegate sessions.

Saskatchewan delegates took a step into the future during their annual delegate sessions at the end of February, when they accepted a new congregation into their midst and moved... Read More
March 22, 2010 | God at work in the Church | by Karin Fehderau

Delegates frequently called for times of prayer as they discerned new directions for the future of MC Manitoba at the annual delegate sessions in Winnipeg in February.

Although much of last month’s Mennonite Church Manitoba annual delegates sessions was concerned with the area church’s camping ministries (see “Camping issues top MC Manitoba... Read More
March 22, 2010 | God at work in the Church | by Evelyn Rempel Petkau
Tom Seals, Mennonite Church Manitoba treasurer, reported that donations from congregations in 2009 were down by 3.4 percent, or $23,442. Although the congregational giving budget... Read More
March 22, 2010 | God at work in the Church | By Evelyn Rempel Petkau

Omar Cortés Gaibur, Mennonite Church Canada Witness Associate in Santiago, survived the Feb. 27 earthquake.

Within minutes of hearing midday news reports on Feb. 27 of a magnitude 8.8 earthquake that had occurred earlier that day in Chile, Tim Froese had sent an e-mail alert to all... Read More
March 22, 2010 | God at work in the World | By Dan Dyck
On the morning of Feb. 27 a one-minute earthquake left nearly 300 dead and a half-million homes destroyed. Power cuts, blocked roads and collapsed communications services made it... Read More
March 22, 2010 | God at work in the World | By Luis Maria Alman Bornes
