News & Stories

ACNA Archbishop Robert Duncan welcoming them back into the fold.

Founded by breakaway U.S . Episcopal priests who left their former denomination because they felt it was too liberal, the Anglican Mission in the Americas is now in the middle of... Read More
February 10, 2012 | Web First | By Bob Smietana

Fernando Enns of the Mennonite Church in Germany speaking at the IEPC in Kingston, Jamaica, 2011.

It must be admitted by people of faith that “religion is not just a solution to war and violence. Too often, it can be part of the problem,” Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse told a... Read More
February 10, 2012 | Web First | news release
Egyptian Christian humanitarian leaders say while politics and religion are garnering the most attention in their country right now, Egypt's serious humanitarian problems will... Read More
February 6, 2012 | Web First | By Chris Herlinger
The key role played by young people during the transformations in the Arab world throughout the past year was a recurrent theme for the recent World Council of Churches ( WCC )... Read More
February 6, 2012 | Web First | news release
Ten years after the clergy sexual abuse scandal erupted in the United States, Catholic bishops from all over the world will meet this week at a Vatican summit aimed at preventing... Read More
February 6, 2012 | Web First | By Alessandro Speciale

Archbishop Hieronymos II

Archbishop Hieronymos II of Athens and All Greece on Feb. 2 warned the Greek government of a possible social upheaval if more austerity measures are ushered in by international... Read More
February 3, 2012 | Web First | By John Zarocostas
Often, young adults are seen as apathetic about politics. But a group of Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) students met with a Member of Parliament and a New Democratic Party (... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen
Over the last few years, I have encountered a strange conversation amongst my co-workers. It comes up occasionally, each time with a different group of people and a multitude of... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Young Voices | Karen Allen
It happened often enough in grade school. My classmates would talk about where their families lived before they came to Canada. They would say things like, “I’m half Norwegian and... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Young Voices | Elise Epp
A multi-year, multi-million dollar funding proposal submitted by Mennonite Central Committee ( MCC ) Canada has been turned down by the federal government’s Canadian International... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Web First | Gladys Terichow

Matthew Bergen creates large graffiti art for Bethany College’s retreat.

Every February, high school students from across Canada brave the cold, snow, and winter wind to make the trip to Hepburn, Saskatchewan for Bethany College’s Youth Advance (YA)!... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Focus On | By Wes Enns

Walter Brueggemann inspires School for Leadership Training participants to move beyond the drive to accumulate toward accepting God’s gracious abundance.

Beware of seduction by accumulation. That was one of the money issues explored by Walter Brueggemann , a world-renowned Old Testament scholar, in talks to as many as 700 people... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Focus On | By Laura Amstutz

Rudy Wiebe is pictured after his reading at Conrad Grebel University College with moderator Hildi Froese Tiessen, professor of English and peace and conflict studies. Wiebe kicked off Grebel’s Celebrating Mennonite Literature reading series on Jan. 11.

The chapel at Conrad Grebel University College was packed to hear renowned Mennonite author Rudy Wiebe read through his life of writing on Jan. 11, 50 years after his 1962 novel,... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Focus On | Story and Photo by Dave Rogalsky
In the culmination of more than a decade of dreaming and a year of intense work, Conrad Grebel University College announces the launch of a new master of peace and conflict... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Focus On |


Columbia Bible College is proof that “where there is a vision, people will support,” said president emeritus Wally Unger at an Oct. 22 banquet to celebrate the school’s 75th... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Focus On | By Barrie McMaster

Billy Graham chats with President Obama

I recently received two books by authors in their 90s: Nearing Home by Billy Graham, and Time for Outrage by Stéphane Hessel , a retired French diplomat and concentration camp... Read More
February 1, 2012 | Artbeat | By Will Braun
Because Leon Kehl has been fostering friendships between Mennonites and Muslims, he was interviewed by Third Way Media when they were filming the recently released documentary,... Read More
February 1, 2012 | God at work in Us | By Barb Draper

Keynote speaker Joyce Bontrager Lehman responds to questions during a Nov. 5 breakfast Q&A moderated by Wilmer Martin of TourMagination at the Mennonite Economic Development Associates convention in Lancaster, Pa. (MEDA photo by Steve Sugrim)

More than 500 Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) convention-goers were entranced as Joyce Bontrager Lehman recounted her journey from an idyllic childhood in the... Read More
February 1, 2012 | God at work in the World | By Linda Whitmore

Cutline: Sandy and Barrette Wiebe Plett with their children Meredith, 2 ½ years, and Orie, 4 years.

When Barrette and Sandy Wiebe Plett returned from Egypt in 2008 after a three-year assignment under Mennonite Central Committee, they tried to move back into the church life they... Read More
February 1, 2012 | God at work in the Church | By Evelyn Rempel Petkau

Rev. Benedict Ndiweni: 'brings to the fore the issue of accountability.'

Energetic music, lively dance, and passion for the church they belonged to was apparent to those who came, both church delegates and visitors, to the conference held just outside... Read More
January 26, 2012 | Web First | Andrew Suderman, Witness Worker

Palestinian children playing in Khallet Zakariya beside the Israeli settlement of Alon Shvut. --UN News photo

The homes at the edge of this Palestinian village are located a few hundred meters from houses in the Jewish settlement of Yitzhar . But the relationship is anything but... Read More
January 26, 2012 | Web First | By Judith Sudilovsky
Rafael Erasmo Arevalo , a Mennonite pastor in Honduras, was attacked and killed Sunday, Jan. 22, after leading an evening worship service. Arevalo , from Santa Rosa de Copán ,... Read More
January 26, 2012 | Web First | Ron Rempel, news editor

The US government says 29,000 children under five years old died between May and July 2011, according to a BBC report.

Was aid for people suffering from drought in East Africa too slow? Yes, says a new report from two international aid agencies. According to the report, prepared by Oxfam and Save... Read More
January 26, 2012 | Web First | Emily Cain

From left to right: Prof. Richard Falk, Welly Esau Mandowen and Archbishop Michael Kehinde Stephen at the WCC International Affairs and United Nations Advocacy Week in New York, 2003

Methodist Archbishop Michael Kehinde Stephen of Ibadan , Nigeria has appealed to Christian and Muslim leaders worldwide to act together in the face of extremist violence that... Read More
January 26, 2012 | Web First | Staff reports
As Egyptians gathered this week in Cairo's Tahrir Square to mark the first anniversary of the "Egyptian Revolution," nearby Jasr El Dobara church continued to be a bridge-builder... Read More
January 26, 2012 | Web First | By ENInews Staff
