
Over the past few months I have had the privilege of seeing a whole new side of camps, and this experience has only confirmed and strengthened my belief in the importance of a... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Editorial | Kirsten Hamm-Epp
God’s graciousness is ‘prior to our faith and love’ Re: “ We know who we are ,” Jan. 1, 2018, page 8. I find myself agreeing with Willard Metzger but wishing he had said more. I... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various contributors
“Changes coming upon us / It keeps moving, moving around us. / Got to keep singing, knowing he loves us; / Got to keep joy in our hearts.” Those words from the song “Changes” by... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Ed Kaufman
It was a tender time. Our 86-year-old mother had fallen ill and was hospitalized. Family members who lived nearby were keeping vigil at the hospital, consulting with doctors and... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
It wasn’t really a bad day, but there had been enough inconveniences to put me in a bad mood. I tripped and bruised my knee. The milk was sour, a fact I only discovered after it... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Sherri Grosz
It was my first day on the job as associate pastor. I enthusiastically unlocked the door to my new office and was taken aback by the writing on the wall. Literally. There was a... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
“In the spring of 1928, not quite 15 years after the settlement had begun, Jake Funk opened the new red-brick store on a prominent corner of Main Street in Blaine Lake, Sask. It... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Jon Isaak
Farmers with Firearms are flexing on Facebook. Indigenous activists are indignant. Justin Trudeau is straining to hit all the enlightened notes, as usual. And Murray Sinclair is... Read More
February 16, 2018 | Viewpoints | Will Braun
In recent months there has been unprecedented exposure of sexually predatory men in high places, as well as unprecedented violence perpetrated by solitary men with little or no... Read More
February 16, 2018 | Viewpoints |
In January 2017, a TV show drew attention to Mennonites in Canada. The CBC crime series Pure portrayed fictional Mennonite communities in Ontario and Mexico that were running a... Read More
February 7, 2018 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Anabaptist Essentials ‘a quintessential travesty’ The following letter was abridged from one originally sent to Herald Press, the publisher of Palmer Becker’s Anabaptist... Read More
February 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various contributors
The tale “The Christmas Guest,” as told by Johnny Cash on his album Christmas with Johnny Cash , is a fable about an old man, Conrad, who receives a message from an angel that the... Read More
February 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Ryan Siemens
I love doing funerals. As a young pastor, I now have nine under my belt. It seems I enjoy them more with each one. To be honest, I haven’t had any difficult funerals to do yet. No... Read More
February 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Ryan Jantzi
‘The Ecstasy of St. Francis of Assisi,’ by Blas Muñoz, painted circa 1683-86. (Google Art project photo) I wouldn’t normally invite a stranger to stay in our house, but there was... Read More
February 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Donita Wiebe-Neufeld
It takes me a long time to learn a lesson. The book Necessary Losses by Judith Viorst was required reading when I was in seminary, and my lasting impression of its message was... Read More
February 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Carmen Brubacher
In February 1928, the first trainload of Mennonite farmers from the Prairies arrived in Yarrow, British Columbia, with prospects of farming the newly accessible land in the Fraser... Read More
February 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Jon Isaak
With a nod to Ranting Rick Mercer, senior writer Will Braun steps into the mess that is the church’s disagreement over same-sex inclusion. The Maple View insert appeared in the... Read More
February 3, 2018 | Opinion | Will Braun
In the days immediately following our publication of the sexuality statement by Maple View Mennonite Church, several people wrote letters in outrage. Two cancelled their... Read More
January 24, 2018 | Editorial | Tobi Thiessen
When community discernment leads to a golden calf Re: “ Recognizing potential in an uncertain future ,” Dec. 11, 2017. When I read , at the very end of the article, that “the... Read More
January 24, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various contributors
Sometimes when I am very tired or discouraged, or both, I have trouble trusting God. I read the lovely promises that Paul writes to the church in Corinth and I wonder. I read Paul... Read More
January 24, 2018 | Viewpoints | Ken Warkentin
A year ago, a friend issued a challenge. He urged me to select one word as the word for me in 2017. A word on which to focus and meditate. A word of (at least hoped for)... Read More
January 24, 2018 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
In the early years of our marriage, my wife Sharon and I often sat through our pastor’s annual sermon on tithing consumed by the feeling that we should do more. A serious... Read More
January 24, 2018 | Viewpoints | David Barker
Does loving people and things as they are mean accepting them as they are? If so, what are we to do with the call to join the Spirit’s transformative work of making all people,... Read More
January 24, 2018 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
Many years ago, our archives first described this photograph as “School children at Bloodvein Reserve, ca. 1956.” The subject heading included the phrase, “Indians of North... Read More
January 24, 2018 | Viewpoints | Laureen Harder-Gissing
