
This is a photo of the dormitory duplex at Sexsmith Bible Institute in Alberta. The building used to function as the meeting house of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren at Bear Lake... Read More
August 22, 2018 | Viewpoints | Conrad Stoesz
Growing up, I never wanted to be a farmer. It seemed like farm machinery always had precedence over a new couch, curtains or nice shoes. Then I met my husband Bob at Rosthern... Read More
August 22, 2018 | Viewpoints | Kate Janzen
A peculiar thing happened to me last Sunday while I was on holidays. I felt a strong desire to attend a church service. Curious, to say the least. You see, by the time summer... Read More
August 22, 2018 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
“I enjoy the magazine very much. Will you keep printing it? I don’t have a computer,” wrote a reader in British Columbia this June. She was responding to our spring fundraising... Read More
July 18, 2018 | Editorial | Tobi Thiessen
Calling suicide selfish is uncharitable Re: “ Suicide may not be painless, but it is selfish ,” July 2, 2018, page 7. Victor Huebert writes that suicide “is a very selfish act and... Read More
July 18, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various Contributors
I’m more and more dismayed by the regionalizing trajectory we seem to be on. From national and international politics to neighbourhoods and churches, it feels like we are... Read More
July 18, 2018 | Viewpoints | Darryl Neustaedter Barg
Like many women I know, my mother carries a deeply ingrained impulse to feed others. Once I watched her tend Penguin, her black and white tuxedo cat, clucking and fussing as she... Read More
July 18, 2018 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
I recently told someone that our family holiday plans this summer included tenting for 10 days in northern Ontario. They replied, “Why on earth would you do that? That sounds... Read More
July 18, 2018 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
Update: In October 2020, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada announced the termination of the ministerial credentials of John D. Rempel, on the basis of ministerial sexual misconduct... Read More
July 18, 2018 | Viewpoints | John D. Rempel
George Bryant (standing) was a long way from the home of his birth when he posed with the Katie and Christian Bender family in about 1917. George was a British home child who... Read More
July 18, 2018 | Viewpoints | Laureen Harder-Gissing
It is June 20, World Refugee Day. Near the Mexico-U.S. border, thousands of people are waiting. Fleeing conflict and violence in their own countries, they are seeking safety... Read More
June 27, 2018 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Suicide may not be painless, but it is selfish Re: “ Suicide isn’t painless ,” May 21, page 16. I sympathize deeply with the Brandt/Penner family. My cousin used a gun to end his... Read More
June 27, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various Contributors
I have been thinking a lot about transition. Since early 2017, transition has been the theme of my life. When the expiry date of my work visa in the U.S. was nearing, and there... Read More
June 27, 2018 | Viewpoints | Marilyn Rudy-Froese
Recently I spent a weekend at a discipleship retreat with a team of seven others from my church. It was great fun! As we learned and prayed, our inspiration for making disciples... Read More
June 27, 2018 | Viewpoints | Ryan Jantzi
Cooking for one or two people can be a challenge, but Betty Ann Martin found that taking Food Fit courses at the Local Community Food Centre in Stratford, Ont., expanded her food... Read More
June 27, 2018 | Viewpoints | Barb Draper
Breakfast should be interesting, not boring! Betty Ann Martin expanded her food repertoire and gained new ideas for breakfast menus through her involvement with the Local... Read More
June 27, 2018 | Viewpoints | Betty Ann Martin
Old black and white photos often leave us with the impression that past generations were dour, ridged, thought in terms of black and white, and had no fun. But the technology of... Read More
June 27, 2018 | Viewpoints | Conrad Stoesz
The May 7 and 21 issues of Canadian Mennonite deal in part with protests regarding the construction of pipelines. The editorial from May 21, “ Questions of conscience ,” asks us... Read More
June 27, 2018 | Viewpoints | Helmut Lemke
The concept is simple. In a public place, an older adult sits on a green bench that is marked with the hashtag #ElderWisdom. Community members are invited to sit and engage in... Read More
June 13, 2018 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Unity starts with the fruit of the Spirit Re: “ Ethics not the basis for Christian unity ” letter, April 23, page 10. Walter Klassen states in his letter, “No matter how... Read More
June 13, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various Contributors
Here are five ways to remain connected with CommonWord in our new regional church model: 1. Keep reading Many of us love a leisurely read on a summer beach blanket or in a hammock... Read More
June 13, 2018 | Viewpoints | Arlyn Friesen Epp
Like more than 51 percent of all Canadian adults, Roger (a pseudonym) did not have a will. As a child, he had been adopted into a wealthy family and, although he loved them deeply... Read More
June 13, 2018 | Viewpoints | Peter Dryden
What is flirting anyway? When is it a problem? When is it a delightful social interaction? I’ve been pondering these questions for years since a friend surprised me with the words... Read More
June 13, 2018 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
The Epp Garage in Fiske, Sask., suffered a devastating fire. When material, like this photograph, comes to the archives with little or no information, we can often learn about it... Read More
June 13, 2018 | Viewpoints | Conrad Stoesz
It seems the majority of political, social and religious discourse today consists of knee-jerk reactions to the perceived agendas, biases, foolishness and dangerous “isms” of the... Read More
June 13, 2018 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
