
From time immemorial—as the biblical story of Ruth and Naomi illustrates—developing friendships and tending relationships have often been a woman’s “go-to, our have-to, our live... Read More
April 4, 2018 | Viewpoints | Elsie Rempel
I like to attend congregational business meetings. Yes, that includes reading my congregation’s annual report booklet. Although I’ve never been a delegate at a churchwide... Read More
March 21, 2018 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
It’s important to listen well Re: “ The skill and soul of listening ,” and “ What kind of Mennonite? ” (Feb. 12, pages 16 and 2, respectively). The Bible refers often to listening... Read More
March 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various Contributors
More than a decade ago, my family and I were privileged to serve as church planters in southern Italy. We were Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers seconded to what is now... Read More
March 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Jason Martin
In a phone conversation with a friend, she reveals her struggle with an event she is planning. Given that the gathering will be held in a small space, there are a limited number... Read More
March 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
Lately, I have had several conversations with people about downsizing or simplifying their estates. Some talk about rearranging their financial affairs to make life easier for... Read More
March 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Harold Penner
Mennonites learned how to harness the wind while in the Netherlands, and used this knowledge in the 16th and 17th centuries in Prussia, where wind-powered mills were primarily... Read More
March 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Conrad Stoesz
“Sorry” is a very Canadian expression, but what does it mean? To the more than 200 Sixties Scoop survivors gathered at the Amiskwaciy Academy in Edmonton on March 1, 2018, the... Read More
March 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Donita Wiebe-Neufeld
When I first heard that Easter falls on April Fools’ Day this year, my mind immediately thought about how many people think I’m a fool for believing in the Easter story. I can... Read More
March 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
Here are some things you may not know about Canadian Mennonite : • It takes a while The print magazine goes through a production schedule that includes the writing, editing,... Read More
March 7, 2018 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Lenten prayer sheet reflects Lululemon spirituality A friend recently sent me the new “Lenten Guided Prayer Experience,” issued by the Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern... Read More
March 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various Contributors
What is our baseline for unity in the church? The most basic shared reality is that the church is a community of people who follow and walk faithfully with Jesus Christ. In order... Read More
March 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Garry Janzen
There was an intense, seemingly overwhelming ache in my heart. Separated by 2,500 kilometres for our third school year apart, I longed for my sweetheart. I read her letters over... Read More
March 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Ryan Jantzi
Last fall when Erin Froese and her household received the gift of many large squash they had trouble using it all up. They made a couple large pots of Butternut bisque and invited... Read More
March 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Barb Draper
When a friend asked me last spring if I would like to live with nine other people for the following school year, my initial reaction was a firm no. I couldn’t imagine figuring out... Read More
March 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Erin Froese
This image of a Passover meal appears next to Exodus 12 in a Bible published in Zurich in 1531. The idea of owning a family Bible, especially in one’s own language, was very new... Read More
March 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Laureen Harder-Gissing
Although many brave young people have spoken up in the aftermath of last month’s school shooting in Parkland, Fla., to advocate for tighter gun regulations in the U.S., it’s words... Read More
March 7, 2018 | Viewpoints | Aaron Epp
Over the past few months I have had the privilege of seeing a whole new side of camps, and this experience has only confirmed and strengthened my belief in the importance of a... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Editorial | Kirsten Hamm-Epp
God’s graciousness is ‘prior to our faith and love’ Re: “ We know who we are ,” Jan. 1, 2018, page 8. I find myself agreeing with Willard Metzger but wishing he had said more. I... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Various contributors
“Changes coming upon us / It keeps moving, moving around us. / Got to keep singing, knowing he loves us; / Got to keep joy in our hearts.” Those words from the song “Changes” by... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Ed Kaufman
It was a tender time. Our 86-year-old mother had fallen ill and was hospitalized. Family members who lived nearby were keeping vigil at the hospital, consulting with doctors and... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Melissa Miller
It wasn’t really a bad day, but there had been enough inconveniences to put me in a bad mood. I tripped and bruised my knee. The milk was sour, a fact I only discovered after it... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Sherri Grosz
It was my first day on the job as associate pastor. I enthusiastically unlocked the door to my new office and was taken aback by the writing on the wall. Literally. There was a... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Troy Watson
“In the spring of 1928, not quite 15 years after the settlement had begun, Jake Funk opened the new red-brick store on a prominent corner of Main Street in Blaine Lake, Sask. It... Read More
February 21, 2018 | Viewpoints | Jon Isaak
