Recent comments

Doris Sawatzky-Dickson commented on

Outside his comfort zone

Lawrence Burkholder commented on

Of mission and politics

Andy Doerksen commented on

‘We are in a heap of trouble’

Joey Simpson commented on

Waste makes haste

Herman J Wiebe commented on

Marriage in embodied mystery

Angelika Dawson commented on

Climbing toward a greater unknown

Ginny Hostetler commented on

Lessons from the cloud forest

Myron Steinman commented on

On sin

Andre Pekovich commented on

Marriage in embodied mystery

Christine P. Polle commented on

Is climate change real?

Anneka Zehr- Bergen commented on

Flipping on the pastor switch

Vicki Wenger commented on

It’s time we had ‘the talk’

Myron Steinman commented on

Individual vs. person

Erwin Warkentin commented on

Can CM survive?

Art and Alma Wiebe commented on

Taking off the mask

Steve Hoeppner commented on

Can CM survive?

Russell Sawatsky commented on

It’s time we had ‘the talk’

Tobian Penner commented on

Taking off the mask

Angelika Dawson commented on

Worship warms the human soul

Jason Crites commented on

Taking off the mask

vee campbell commented on

Faith vs. beliefs (Pt. 2)

Walter Janzen commented on

Readers write: March 14, 2016 issue
