Recent comments

Frieda Wiebe commented on

Mennonites active in Ukraine

Carol Penner commented on

A new conversation about dementia

Byron Rempel-Burkholder commented on

Back the boycott

Randy Klaassen commented on

No more closed doors

Dean Peachey commented on

A new conversation about dementia

Arlyn Friesen Epp commented on

Reaching out to help other people

Sharon Schultz commented on

A new conversation about dementia

Anne Thiessen commented on

What I learned while walking the Camino

Ken Wiens commented on

Readers write: November 7, 2016 issue

Torsten Schulz commented on

Back the boycott

Patrick O'Connor commented on

Like a ‘biblical mustard seed’

Elaine Kroeker commented on

Clocks a symbol of Mennonite heritage

John Pauls commented on

Finding a way to be together

Art Wiebe commented on

Taking off the mask

Trevor Bauman commented on

MCC calls for ‘big tent thinking’

Ezra Miller commented on

Taking off the mask

Dalton Jantzi commented on

‘It was a very sad day’
