Recent comments

Wayne Greulich commented on

The long path back to the Bible

REKrall commented on

More transparency please

Kyle Schofield commented on

Solace in a subculture

Barbra Graber commented on

More transparency please

John Kaufman commented on

More transparency please

Daryl Little commented on

War, Christmas and Pentecost

Stephanie Krehbiel commented on

More transparency please

Sam Steiner commented on

More transparency please

H & E Warkentin commented on

‘These records are unique’

John Krahn commented on

‘These records are unique’

Mary Kelly commented on

A tale of two ethnic groups

Douglas Murray commented on

Small town + small church = big influence

Carol Penner commented on

Sometimes you need to receive

Beverly Dreger commented on

Three church-related views on refugees

Caleb Ratzlaff commented on

Ready to listen and learn

Jonathan Janzen commented on

Ready to listen and learn

NETTIE REIMER commented on

‘These records are unique’

Mark Morton commented on

Readers write: November 9, 2015 issue

Virginia Froese commented on

An end to all kinds of wars
