Recent comments

Walter Bergen commented on

Yee resigns pastoral role

Ginny Hostetler commented on

‘We are your future/Somos su futuro’


‘We are your future/Somos su futuro’

Howard Boldt commented on

‘Love for all, hatred for none’

Russel Snyder-Penner commented on

Discovering humility

Craig Frere commented on

Discovering humility

Cathy Campbell commented on

Uncovering the truth

John Neudorf commented on

God makes a way where there is no way

Jack Driedger commented on

Discovering humility

Carolyn Ford commented on

Bogale Kebede: Apostle to the Kaffa

wendy sands commented on

Edmonton thrift store grand opening

walter bergen commented on

All must learn to discern

Donita Wiebe-Neufeld commented on

Glick family experiences ‘risk and adventure’

Ginny Hostetler commented on

‘These records are unique’

Russel Snyder-Penner commented on

When your services are no longer required

Chet Peachey commented on

When your services are no longer required

Ernie Hildebrand commented on

When your services are no longer required

Sharron Vogt Makus commented on

A potluck plate full of Mennonite cultures

Elsie Rempel commented on

When your services are no longer required
