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Elaine Gross commented on

Lessons from the cloud forest

Mathai Mathen commented on

Join ‘Naked Anabaptists’ on Facebook

Jerry Eagan commented on

An urgent search for water in Mozambique

Steve Kennel commented on

Is climate change real?

Anne Nikkel commented on

Is climate change real?

Dr.W.D.Gutowski commented on

Cohabitation focus of discussion event at CMU

Elizabeth R Lepock commented on

Music camp nurtures faith and supportive community

Merlin Jantzi commented on

Video: Christ at the coffee shop

Don Dyck commented on

Is climate change real?

Lydia Cruttwell commented on

Ten years later

Arnie Friesen commented on

Readers write: February 15, 2016 issue

Sheri Durksen commented on

Where the ‘good news’ is

Ezra Miller commented on

Taking off the mask

Gerald Regnitter commented on

Readers write: February 1, 2016 issue

Brent Horst commented on

Do church and journalism mix?

Howard Boldt commented on

Readers write: February 1, 2016 issue

Waltrude Gortzen commented on

Mennonite Heritage Museum opens in B.C.

Ted Klassen commented on

Ten years later
