Recent comments

Jacob Froese commented on

7 digital tools for discipleship

craig reeder commented on

A Bible meant to be read with your ears

Troy Watson commented on

Holy Spirit fire and imagination

John H. Neufeld commented on

Holy Spirit fire and imagination

Aaron Epp commented on

Holy Spirit fire and imagination

Peter Reimer commented on

Good news of Jesus in a traumatized world

Kennedy Njuguna commented on

From Kitchener-Waterloo to Kenya

Elaine Fehr commented on

Leon’s ‘fifth step’ to sobriety

Roxanne Wright commented on

Stepping outside the comfort zone

Walter Quiring commented on

Cycling into the future

George Epp commented on

Not because they were male

Elaine Fehr commented on

‘In this together’

Peter knelsen commented on

Exploring alternative ways of living

Ernie Engbrecht commented on

Offering the gift of non-judgmental listening

Marijke Olson commented on

What we say online

Ginny Hostetler commented on

10 things to know about Mennonites in Canada

David Shantz commented on

Cayuga church

David Shantz commented on

A tender touch of gospel paradox

Andy Doerksen commented on

Extending the table

Elaine Fehr commented on

Sharing about our holy books

walter bergen commented on

Learning as we go
