Recent comments

Esther Thiessen commented on

RJC: Becoming a missional school

walter bergen commented on

Listening to those who have left

Peter Reimer commented on

Worship happened

Elaine Fehr commented on

Worship happened

Stephen Kennel commented on

Theology for a climate emergency

Billy Holdeman-Bass commented on

‘Re-learning to swim in baptismal waters’

Peter Reimer commented on

An incessant demand

Burk Schmidt commented on

Worship happened

Steve Hoeppner commented on

An incessant demand

Mark Diller Harder commented on

Oblivious on the ice

walter bergen commented on

An incessant demand

Caleb Gingrich Regehr commented on

Climate action must include parking our cars for good

Jep Hostetler commented on

Watch: How to make peppernuts

Mark Morton commented on

Readers write: December 9, 2019 issue

Jacob Froese commented on

The world in colour

walter bergen commented on

Freedom of speech for Christian media?

Elaine Fehr commented on

Theology for a climate emergency

Jordan Duerrstein commented on

Unlearning ‘Christianese’

Jacob Froese commented on

‘Where there is no vision...’
