News & Stories

“There is no path, Pilgrim. The path is made by walking.” This lovely phrase by the poet Antonio Machado epitomizes my life journey, particularly the two years I sojourned in... Read More
September 21, 2016 | Web First | Rut Atarama
To ensure women receive the education and training they need to help build the body of Christ, Meserete Kristos College, a ministry of the Ethiopian Meserete Kristos Church, is... Read More
September 7, 2016 | God at work in the Church | Deborah Froese
Here is a question you do not hear every day: When was the last time you visited an archive? Not your email archive, a but a local bricks-and-mortar archive. Many of us don’t... Read More
September 7, 2016 | God at work in the Church |
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) Ontario started discussions with Dave Erb, executive director of Silver Lake Mennonite Camp, over a year ago, to explore the possibility of... Read More
September 7, 2016 | God at work in the Church |
For decades, Colombia has been known for violence, narcotics and instability. But now it is within sight of an historic peace agreement that César García—the Colombian who heads... Read More
September 7, 2016 | God at work in the World | Will Braun

The sign directing people to Stony Hill, the former site of St. John’s Lutheran Church and of the Young Chippewayan Reserve No. 107, was changed earlier this year to reflect its importance to indigenous people. The name Opwashemoe Chakatinaw means Stoney Knoll in English. (Photo by Donna Schulz)

“It’s really cool to see white people here today,” said Cheyenne Fineday. The first nation teenager was speaking at the 140th anniversary of the signing of Treaty 6 on Aug. 23,... Read More
September 7, 2016 | God at work in the World | Donna Schulz
In Waterloo Region, “Herrle’s” brings to mind sweet corn, melons, gelato—and blood. Yes, blood. Herrle’s Country Farm Market in St. Agatha has been well-known since 1988 as a “go-... Read More
September 7, 2016 | God at work in Us |
A new memoir by Albertans Isaac “Ike” Glick and Mildred “Millie” Alger Glick, Risk and Adventure: Community Development in Northern Alberta (1955-1970) , highlights the work of... Read More
September 7, 2016 | Artbeat |
For Anneli Loepp Thiessen, singing in church is just as much about listening as it is about making sounds. “In a culture that is increasingly busy and full of excess noise, church... Read More
September 7, 2016 | Young Voices |
For much of my life, I’ve called myself a global citizen. Until recently, though, I had no idea how naïve saying this actually was. A global citizen is someone who identifies him... Read More
September 7, 2016 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen
Erb Street Mennonite Church not only welcomes all people who enter its doors, as its vision statement indicates, but it also extends that same welcome to “future guide dogs.”... Read More
September 6, 2016 | Web First | Leona Dueck Penner
When South Sudan became an independent country in 2011, hopes were high and the future looked bright. But conflict broke out in 2013, and violence has ebbed and flowed ever since... Read More
September 6, 2016 | Web First | Emily Loewen, with files from Candacia Greeman
A dedicated fundraising website for the new song collection for Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA has been launched at MennoMedia is taking... Read More
September 6, 2016 | Web First |
Cloudy skies and a cold wind weren’t enough to keep a large group of people from gathering in the parking lot at the Bethany Manor seniors’ housing complex to celebrate the... Read More
September 6, 2016 | Web First |
When Geoff Gould ponders his six years directing the SEED program at Camp Squeah, it is with mixed emotions: pride, joy, humility, gratitude. But there is also sadness. After much... Read More
August 24, 2016 | God at work in the Church | Angelika Dawson
Rockway Mennonite Church in Kitchener has worshipped in rental properties for all of its 56-year existence. Until now. On June 26, 2016, the congregation had its final regular... Read More
August 24, 2016 | God at work in the Church |

Tall Grass Prairie Bakery

The passions that inspired Winnipeg’s community shared agriculture (CSA) movement and the famous Tall Grass Prairie Bakery are now making waves around the world, from Winnipeg to... Read More
August 24, 2016 | God at work in the World | Beth Downey Sawatzky
Jane Austen once wrote that, for a developing writer, “three or four families in a country village is the very thing to work on.” While Steinbach, Man., is certainly no “country... Read More
August 24, 2016 | Artbeat |
Anna Rehan has logged countless hours of volunteer time as Mennonite Church Saskatchewan’s music librarian. Appointed by the area church council, her mandate was to organize the... Read More
August 24, 2016 | Artbeat |
While the aroma of fresh-baked zwieback filled the air, members of the “Mennonite Girls Can Cook” blog group launched their newest book at the Mennonite Heritage Museum on Aug. 3... Read More
August 24, 2016 | Artbeat | Amy Rinner Waddell
Tending to the grapes she grows in the house she lives in provides Terri Lynn Paulson with a very tangible way of considering John 15, a chapter of the Bible she has been... Read More
August 24, 2016 | Young Voices |

During his internship, Andrew Brown, centre, happened to meet John Redekop, left, and Peter Redekop, right, who were part of a group of Mennonites Brown researched. (Photo courtesy of Andrew Brown)

This spring I was awarded an archival internship with the Mennonite Brethren Historical Commission that allowed me to travel to various Mennonite Brethren archives in North... Read More
August 24, 2016 | Young Voices | Andrew Brown
Holy Spirit fire dances in Bercy Mundedi's eyes. It sets aflame the ministries to which she has been called—the most recent being to lead the Kalonda Bible Institute in Democratic... Read More
August 23, 2016 | Web First | Lynda Hollinger-Janzen
By the time Feryal arrived at a camp for displaced people in Iraq’s northern Ninewa Governorate, she had little desire to leave the security of the tent she shared with her... Read More
August 23, 2016 | Web First | Marla Pierson Lester
God is at work and the gospel is alive in our cities, towns and communities. This is the message Marty Troyer wants to share in his new book, The Gospel Next Door , released by... Read More
August 23, 2016 | Web First | Ardell Stauffer
