Recent comments

Peter Reimer commented on

Well rooted, well winged

walter bergen commented on

Watch: How did we become so polarized?

walter bergen commented on

Well rooted, well winged

Mary Derksen commented on

Having Jesus for dinner

Chris Lehman commented on

Musician offers online singalong

Darrell Winger commented on

Watch: A virtual Mennonite Easter choir

JoAnne teja commented on

‘Swiss Mennonite’ cherry platz

Elaine Fehr commented on

Love in the time of COVID-19

Linda Swab commented on

Love in the time of COVID-19

WALTER QUIRING commented on

‘In the end, we’re all neighbours’

Christine Gascho commented on

‘There was no stopping Doris’

Matthew Froese commented on

Out of holy weakness, mysterious power arises

John H Neufeld commented on

Out of holy weakness, mysterious power arises

Joanne Epp commented on

Compelled by Christ to serve

Peter Reimer commented on

In response to blockades: prayerful pause
