Recent comments

walter bergen commented on

In response to blockades: prayerful pause

Robert Smith commented on

A life of grace and ‘holy impatience’

Kathy Shantz commented on

In response to blockades: prayerful pause

Elaine Fehr commented on

Watch: How did we become so polarized?

Steve Hoeppner commented on

Watch: How did we become so polarized?

Christine Dyck commented on

Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light 

Elaine Fehr commented on

Compelled by Christ to serve

walter bergen commented on

Act before it’s too late

John H Neufeld commented on

A call to strengthen our core

Peter Reimer commented on

A call to strengthen our core

Edward J. Wiebe commented on

‘Re-learning to swim in baptismal waters’

Peter Reimer commented on

Act before it’s too late

James Friesen commented on

Life on the geographic fringes of MC Canada

howard wideman commented on

My favourite films of 2019

walter bergen commented on

Cornelius Penner

Erika Friesen commented on

Cornelius Penner

Ryan Wood commented on

RJC: Becoming a missional school
