News & Stories

Arnoldo Wiens: suspended candidacy for president in 2013.

News update: In what is being called a Saturday night coup, Paraguay's Senate removed President Fernando Lugo for what they charged was his role in a deadly clash between police... Read More
June 22, 2012 | Web First | By Dick Benner, editor and publisher
The leader of the Latin American Council of Churches ( CLAI ) has condemned a deadly clash June 15 between army troops and farmers fighting eviction in Paraguay. "No violence of... Read More
June 22, 2012 | Web First | ENI news staff

Jonathan Seiling, right, consults with Carol Penner, pastor of The First Mennonite Church, Vineland, Ont. on a recent historic tour. (Photo by Melissa Seiling)

The War of 1812 is important to commemorate for many reasons. As the only defensive war fought on Canadian soil in the last two centuries, it was also the first testing of the... Read More
June 21, 2012 | Web First | Jonathan Seiling

Some 150 people gathered in front of city hall, Kitchener, Ontario, Monday evening, June 18, to protest and sign petitions against reduced health care for refugees. (Photo by Dick Benner)

According to the UN, there are now 10.5 million refugees who have been forced to flee their countries due to conflict, natural disaster or persecution. About 25,000 of these... Read More
June 21, 2012 | Web First | Will Braun, Senior Writer

After winning Mennonite Church Canada’s draw for Chris and Selah action figures, Rebecca and Andrew Stoesz place them in the family worship centre. The action figures are based on Mennonite Church Canada’s ‘At-Home’ family worship resources, written by Elsie Rempel, designed by Megan Kamei and sewn by Mary Funk.

Chris and Selah have found a new home. The action figures based on Mennonite Church Canada’s Advent- and Lent-at-Home resources were awarded to Rebecca and Andrew Stoesz, aged... Read More
June 20, 2012 | Back Page | Story and Photo by Deborah Froese
Mennonite communities have developed a rich tradition of raising hundreds of thousands of dollars each year at community events like the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale. This... Read More
June 20, 2012 | Young Voices | Brandi J. Thorpe
Travelling to another country has a way of creating a new lens on life with a vivid new focus, but not in the way that I had expected. As I discovered more and more about South... Read More
June 20, 2012 | Young Voices | Lauren Harms
“That woman has really nice shoes,” said a man with whom I am acquainted. I was at a restaurant in Vancouver with four men. Three of them were talking about women’s shoes, but, in... Read More
June 20, 2012 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen
It was January 1989 when J. R. Burkholder taught liberation theology at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind. Interterm at AMBS is one course, usually studied over... Read More
June 20, 2012 | Artbeat | Reviewed by Dave Rogalsky

Chris Summerville in his executive director office at the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society.

All the fear, stigma and social prejudice that surrounds mental illness recently surfaced again in the media when a review board granted Vince Li temporary passes to take... Read More
June 20, 2012 | God at work in Us | Story and Photo by Evelyn Rempel Petkau

Steve Heinrichs, director of Mennonite Church Canada Indigenous Relations (previously Native Ministry), says that people like the new name because it emphasizes the need for respectful friendships and conveys the interconnectedness of all peoples.

Mennonite Church Canada’s Native Ministry has changed its name to Indigenous Relations effective immediately.Read More
June 20, 2012 | God at work in the World | Story and Photo by Deborah Froese

Henry Neufeld, right, a former day school teacher in Pauingassi, Man., presents a talking stick that he crafted to Joan Jack, who is heading up the National Day School Class Action Suit.

Official government apologies and the national Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) process do not include all prior students of government-funded, church-run schools for... Read More
June 20, 2012 | God at work in the World | By Deborah Froese
“The stories are horrific. You can’t listen to them without a sick feeling of disbelief rising in your stomach. It’s easy to tell yourself that, because you were not personally... Read More
June 20, 2012 | God at work in the World | By Deborah Froese

The opening ceremonies at the Meeting Place featured music and dance from various indigenous communities.

How can Canada’s churches move past their residential school history into a positive relationship with Indigenous Peoples? That was one question asked during The Meeting Place... Read More
June 20, 2012 | God at work in the World | Story and Photos by Emily Loewen

Church leaders pray for J. Nelson Kraybill, second from left, president-elect of Mennonite World Conference (MWC). Also pictured from left: Danisa Ndlovu of Zimbabwe, MWC president; Ervin Stutzman, Mennonite Church U.S.A. executive director; and Janet Plenert of Canada, MWC vice president.

It took three impromptu songs to count the ballots and confirm the results, but Anabaptist leaders from around the world elected J. Nelson Kraybill as president-elect of Mennonite... Read More
June 20, 2012 | God at work in the Church | By Tim Huber
In three presentations at the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) General Council meetings last month, theologians and historians revisited the Anabaptist vision in a global context... Read More
June 20, 2012 | God at work in the Church | By Tim Huber

Walter Wink, dead at 76.

New Testament theologian Walter Wink, noted for relating the biblical phrase “principalities and powers” to the dominating sociopolitical structures of the modern era, died May 10... Read More
June 19, 2012 | Web First | John Dart

Peace church members gather at the settlement site on Main Street, where an historical marker notes that Abraham and Elizabeth Reesor-Stouffer settled the town. MCC's Care and Share Thrift shop is in the background. --Photo by Peter Kear

Some 60 Mennonites, Quakers and Brethren in Christ members, including seniors and children, gathered for a peace church testimony Saturday, June 16, during Stouffville’s... Read More
June 19, 2012 | Web First | Dick Benner, editor/publisher

Rachel Miller-Jacobs

Rachel Miller Jacobs and Andy Brubacher Kaethler have been appointed to faculty positions at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, each to focus on different aspects of... Read More
June 15, 2012 | Web First | Mary Klassen

Jeff Huebner

Jeff Huebner, of Calgary, has been appointed by the Board of Governors to the faculty of the Redekop School of Business at Canadian Mennonite University. Huebner comes to CMU from... Read More
June 15, 2012 | Web First | Nadine Kampen
As the battle over the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline plays out, key questions about the moral make-up of Canada will be answered: questions about the balance between economic... Read More
June 13, 2012 | God at work in the World | Will Braun, Senior Writer
Laura Epp is passionate about the Mennonite church. The 22-year-old is the secretary of Mennonite Church Saskatchewan’s Ministries Commission.She has attended the annual MC... Read More
June 6, 2012 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp
It has been said that life is a highway. Sometimes that highway leads you out of the country, across oceans and completely out of your comfort zone. This is the case for Darnell... Read More
June 6, 2012 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen
The seminary is important. For years the standard has been, “If ministry is in your future, then so should seminary.” But I’m not sure if I will be going to one because I think... Read More
June 6, 2012 | Young Voices | Chris Lenshyn

‘The Last Supper,’ by Leonardo da Vinci (1451-1519); tempera and mixed media on plaster; 4.6m x 8.8m. Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy. What did Jesus really serve his disciples at the first communion service?

Like most North Americans, I grew up in a household where no meal was complete without a serving of meat, although I didn’t really know where the meat that I ate came from. But... Read More
June 6, 2012 | Focus On | By John Borger
