News & Stories

It’s a nice problem to have. Grace Mennonite Church in Regina currently has almost $30,000 in donations and pledges designated for helping refugees. The donations come from a... Read More
January 13, 2016 | God at work in the Church |
Dr. Harvey Chochinov and his team at the University of Manitoba have been working to quantify the effects of psycho-social interventions in the care of patients in palliative care... Read More
January 13, 2016 | God at work in the Church |
Late last month Canadian Mennonite University president Cheryl Pauls signed an unusual document, one that commits CMU to bringing indigenous knowledge and history into its... Read More
January 13, 2016 | God at work in the World |
Thanks to a question from Tom Roes, Mennonites in Botswana are thinking creatively about launching small businesses to support their families and the local church. As a short-term... Read More
January 13, 2016 | God at work in the World | Nathan Dirks and Deborah Froese
Peter Neufeldt lives out his commitment to Jesus’ way of peace as a member of his church and as a member of the Rotary Club. “There are so many different ways of making peace,” he... Read More
January 13, 2016 | God at work in Us |
It wasn’t the premiere of The Elmira Case . That happened earlier at the Peace on Earth Film Festival in Chicago, which led to the film being shown in Mongolia. But on Nov. 19,... Read More
January 13, 2016 | Artbeat |
When Manitoba photographer Jay Siemens partnered with Friesens Corporation to create a 2016 calendar to benefit Syrian refugees, he had no idea they would print 1,000 copies and... Read More
January 13, 2016 | Young Voices | Young Voices Editor

Kyle Rudge and Allison Barron are the founders of Geekdom House, in Winnipeg. (Photo by Aaron Epp)

Allison Barron developed an interest in computer games and science fiction at an early age. Reconciling her pop culture interests with her Christian faith has not always been easy... Read More
January 13, 2016 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp
Readers can now search online, for free, in the denominational magazines of Mennonite Church Canada’s and Mennonite Church USA’s two predecessor organizations, the Mennonite... Read More
January 13, 2016 | Web First |
Leaders of Mennonite conferences in Europe and international guests met in Buhl, France, for their annual gathering of planning and fellowship October 23-25, 2015. The assembled... Read More
January 13, 2016 | Web First |
Dr. Kenneth J. Nafziger, long-time and noted professor of music at Eastern Mennonite University—plus a key figure in putting together a hymnal and two song supplements—spoke at a... Read More
January 12, 2016 | Web First | Melodie Davis
Looking for a way to use your musical and worship talents in the new year? Want to be part of shaping what Mennonites sing? MennoMedia, in close partnership with Mennonite Church... Read More
January 12, 2016 | Web First |
Stories about Mennonite identity, sexuality, politics, and music attracted visitors to the Canadian Mennonite website last year. Here are the top stories, based on the number of... Read More
January 7, 2016 | Web First | Virginia A. Hostetler
In 1915, in the midst of the First World War, the Swiss Mennonite congregation that had been meeting at the Conestoga Meetinghouse moved to the village of St. Jacobs. Founded in... Read More
January 7, 2016 | Web First |
“The ability to keep people alive longer has created new ethical questions around deciding to die. This has, in ways, driven the conversation around euthanasia and assisted... Read More
January 6, 2016 | Web First | Sherri Martin-Carman
The final document of the BFC Task Force, including its four-part recommendation to the Mennonite Church Canada Assembly 2016, is now available for review and response. It has... Read More
December 23, 2015 | God at work in the Church |
The Winkler Bergthaler Mennonite Church notified Mennonite Church Manitoba and Mennonite Church Canada in late November that it would withdraw from the conferences as of the end... Read More
December 23, 2015 | God at work in the Church | Will Braun
Most Canadian Mennonites have not experienced war first-hand or had their pacifist beliefs tested, but the stories of those who have are an important part of the peace narrative... Read More
December 23, 2015 | God at work in the Church |
Manitoba, which leads all provinces in putting people behind bars, also wants to lead in restorative justice programming. Its new Restorative Justice Act and an accompanying five-... Read More
December 23, 2015 | God at work in the World | Will Braun
“I wanted to see what God can do with me and how he might use me,” said Gao Hlee Vang of First Hmong Mennonite Church, in Kitchener, Ont., reflecting on her congregation’s mission... Read More
December 23, 2015 | God at work in the World | Lisa Williams

Erin Wiebe (Photo courtesy of Wiebe family)

Childhood is all about the endless possibilities, the dreams that will come true if you wish hard enough. Erin Wiebe’s childhood was no different in those ways. She knew if she... Read More
December 23, 2015 | God at work in Us | Rachel Bergen
Disarming Conflict: Why Peace Cannot be Won on the Battlefield. By Ernie Regehr. Between the Lines Books, 2015, 217 pages. War does not resolve conflict, says Ernie Regehr in his... Read More
December 23, 2015 | Artbeat |
Who delivered the baby and laid him at Mary’s breast, skin upon skin? Was it the Innkeeper’s wife? Who cut the cord tethering him to the womb, birthing a new kind of attachment?... Read More
December 23, 2015 | Young Voices | Kim Penner
It doesn’t seem right that more people aren’t familiar with singer-songwriter Paul Bergman. Over the past 12 years, Bergman has quietly released five albums. Steeped in the... Read More
December 23, 2015 | Young Voices |
Seven six-year-olds—Niko Van Geest DeGroot, Calum Goetzke, Matea Thiessen Unger, Frieda Nuss Hildebrand, Vito Stoesz, Nicholas Rempel Nighswander and Isabelle Heinrichs—received... Read More
December 23, 2015 | Back Page |
