
Choosing whether or not to include a song in Voices Together is more complicated than whether or not people like singing it. The song known as “Huron Carol” or “ ’Twas in the moon... Read More
December 16, 2019 | Web First - Opinion | Katie Graber and Geraldine Balzer
I know an intersection with three street signs: Eastglen, Westglen and Northglen. Delivery trucks sometimes end up at the wrong house for failing to notice which Glen they need... Read More
December 4, 2019 | Editorial | Tobi Thiessen
MCC recommendations for new federal government The following is a shortened version of a Nov. 8 letter sent from the Mennonite Central Committee Ottawa Office to Prime Minister... Read More
December 4, 2019 | Opinion | Various Contributors
What is our responsibility as followers of Jesus to media outlets? Secular media outlets have a freedom-of-speech right to publish whatever their editor thinks will draw consumers... Read More
December 4, 2019 | Opinion | Kevin Barkowsky
At the Public Archives in Ottawa in 1968, Ted Regehr, head of the Government Records Section, standing, helps research assistant Ernie Dick locate government files related to... Read More
December 4, 2019 | Opinion | Laureen Harder-Gissing
Christmas is the season when we talk about how the birth of the baby Jesus brings hope. Hope implies some sort of betterment to come. So Jesus is our hope. But hope for the future... Read More
December 4, 2019 | Opinion | Randy Haluza-DeLay
They come through the church door into the foyer. My limited vision can make out only their forms, but I recognize them, desperate folks who stop by on occasion to check out the... Read More
December 4, 2019 | Opinion | Ed Olfert
Recently TV sports personality Don Cherry lost his job for making disparaging comments to “You people,” which viewers and the company that employed him interpreted to apply to... Read More
November 20, 2019 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Planting forests versus fearing the future Re: “ Faithful practices on a dying planet ,” and “ Planting trees, nurturing a dream ,” Sept. 30, pages 4 and 16, respectively. I was... Read More
November 20, 2019 | Opinion | Various Contributors
“Not another visioning process” was a common reaction when I presented the idea of a year of visioning and discernment at Mennonite Church Alberta’s 2018 annual delegate sessions... Read More
November 20, 2019 | Opinion | Tim Wiebe-Neufeld
Mennonites lived in Prussia/Poland for more than 400 years, but our understanding of the Mennonite experience in this area requires further study. This is the former Mennonite... Read More
November 20, 2019 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
In my work with single, high-risk mothers and women who experience abuse in intimate relationships, many conversations about forgiveness have arisen. I recently shared about... Read More
November 20, 2019 | Opinion | Christina Bartel Barkman
It was Sunday morning on a Mennonite Church Canada Joint Council meeting weekend. We divided up into three groups to visit three different congregations and then we regrouped over... Read More
November 20, 2019 | Opinion | Arli Klassen
“Christianese” is what some people call insider jargon Christians use to talk about God and faith. One of the primary problems with Christianese is that it doesn’t make sense to... Read More
November 20, 2019 | Opinion | Troy Watson
If you have been paying attention to what the regional churches are up to recently, you may have noticed a common question and a common longing. A question expressed at both... Read More
November 6, 2019 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
‘This is our church’ Re: “ How to talk about money at your church ,” Sept. 30, page 10. I read this Viewpoint piece, which I thought may give me insight into the responsible use... Read More
November 6, 2019 | Opinion | Various Contributors
There’s canola in my bed and it makes me smile. Perhaps I should explain. Currently, harvest is in full gear. I see my husband at mealtimes (maybe), and when he crawls into bed... Read More
November 6, 2019 | Opinion | Kirsten Hamm-Epp
Readers raised on fruit farms—including this archivist—may remember the high-pitched whine of an orchard pesticide sprayer in action. Pictured , Peter J. Sawatzky of Ruthven, Ont... Read More
November 6, 2019 | Opinion | Laureen Harder-Gissing
My good memories of Thanksgiving 2019 will be focused on children. On Oct. 13, I preached a sermon at Grace Mennonite in Prince Albert. Church culture has me arriving an hour... Read More
November 6, 2019 | Opinion | Ed Olfert
It’s been a month since Greta Thunberg—the 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden—came to my town for a climate rally. The Edmonton reception was decidedly mixed. One reception... Read More
November 6, 2019 | Opinion | Randolph Haluza-DeLay
The name Arab Christians use for the Bible translates literally as “The Holy Book,” and they often shorten it to “The Book.” Article 4 of the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Point:Counterpoint—Differing views on AMBS hiring Re: “ Boshart next AMBS president despite expressed concerns ,” Sept. 30, page 27. Thanks to Canadian Mennonite for covering the... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Opinion | Various Contributors
In the mid-1960s, Peter Berger and Thomas Luckman coined the phrase “the social construction of reality.” The phrase emphasizes that the world of power and meaning is created... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Opinion | Ken Warkentin
Can you help identify these three men at Bethel Bible Institute (BBI)? Is John Poettcker in the centre? The formation of Bethel in Abbotsford, B.C., was proposed in 1937 at the... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
My two-year-old has developed a habit of throwing his bowl across the kitchen when he’s finished his food. Sometimes it clears the dining area and we find it in the playroom with... Read More
October 23, 2019 | Opinion | Christina Bartel Barkman
