
I had other plans for this space; this is not the editorial I was intending to write. But, reading over this issue’s proof pages, I saw some unexpected themes emerging. Several... Read More
January 29, 2020 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Old photo brings back ‘fond memories’ Re: “ Moment from yesterday ” photo of the Rosengart church in Poland. The picture brought fond memories back. It was my home church. I was... Read More
January 29, 2020 | Opinion | Various Contributors
Over the years, I’ve attended many youth gatherings, even organized a few. But none were like the one I attended on Sept. 20, 2019, when the Manitoba Youth for Climate Action... Read More
January 29, 2020 | Opinion | Kathy Giesbrecht
In 1944, Cornelius Penner was separated from his wife and four children in Poland. He was sent to a German work camp while the rest of the family was taken to Siberia and later... Read More
January 29, 2020 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
I didn’t make New Year’s resolutions this year but I definitely jumped into this new decade with a challenge to choose what matters most to our family. My husband and I came... Read More
January 29, 2020 | Opinion | Christina Bartel Barkman
In early December, I received an email from Jeremiah Choi, our Mennonite World Conference (MWC) regional representative for Northeast Asia, about the situation in Hong Kong, where... Read More
January 29, 2020 | Opinion | Arli Klassen
Scripture encourages us to bring our requests to God in prayer. The problem is when we get attached to our desired outcome, which we usually do, resulting in our joy, peace and... Read More
January 29, 2020 | Opinion | Troy Watson
I like to bring simple card-making supplies into the secure unit of the Edmonton Institution for Women. The inmates enjoy the chance to be creative but, more than that, they crave... Read More
January 28, 2020 | Web First - Opinion | Donita Wiebe-Neufeld
In the first days of 2020, our newsfeeds were full: confrontations over a pipeline in western Canada, devastating fires in Australia, an earthquake in Puerto Rico, the death of... Read More
January 15, 2020 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
High praise from a loyal reader I look forward to reading Canadian Mennonite . The contributions are usually wide-ranging, with sermon-based feature articles that I find uplifting... Read More
January 15, 2020 | Opinion | Various Contributors
The church we inhabit today is a lot different than the one I grew up in. Whether it was an English congregation or a German one, the worship services tended to have a familiar... Read More
January 15, 2020 | Opinion | David Martin
In 1984, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) held its annual meeting in Richmond, British Columbia. Pictured from left to right are board members Hugo Jantz, Leo Driedger, Henry P... Read More
January 15, 2020 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
Through the frantic Christmas season, I was part of many gatherings connected to churches, families, schools and workplace settings. All were good. However, none were better, or... Read More
January 15, 2020 | Opinion | Ed Olfert
A thoroughly ragged and stained potholder has hung next to my kitchen stove ever since 1988. It was stitched together from scraps of cloth by some unknown Pennsylvania Mennonite... Read More
January 15, 2020 | Opinion | Randy Haluza-DeLay
Two years ago I embarked on a Bible reading challenge. What started as an attempt to read the Bible in a year, morphed into a slower reading and reflection practice. I realized I... Read More
January 15, 2020 | Opinion | Joshua Penfold
Over the years, Canadian Mennonite has reported on sexual misconduct within the Mennonite context. As a member of the church press, we have tried to carry out our ongoing... Read More
December 31, 2019 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Silver Lake, MC Eastern Canada apologize for not speaking up sooner Re: “ Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light .” On Aug. 24, 2018, Canadian Mennonite published a story about... Read More
December 31, 2019 | Opinion | Various Contributors
“Where are you, Mennonites?” A colleague and I are in a Winnipeg café discussing the current land struggles of many Indigenous peoples. I listen intently as she speaks of the... Read More
December 31, 2019 | Opinion | Steve Heinrichs
In 1968, 115 Westgate Mennonite Collegiate students joined 2,000 members of Students for Educational Equality and Democracy (SEED) for a rally at the Manitoba legislature in... Read More
December 31, 2019 | Opinion | Laureen Harder-Gissing
After the hour-long drive home from my sister’s with my four very energetic kids, I had had enough! Trying to quiet down hyper kids while driving is not an easy feat. Not wanting... Read More
December 31, 2019 | Opinion | Christina Bartel Barkman
“The turkey tasted just like my mom’s turkey.” So said Sandra, a recent newcomer to Canada from Colombia. She was part of the First Mennonite Church (Kitchener) annual Christmas... Read More
December 31, 2019 | Opinion | Arli Klassen
Henry “Sherlock” Friesen is a long-time Abundance Canada client. He follows a well-thought-out generosity plan that includes making regular charitable donations from his gifting... Read More
December 31, 2019 | Opinion | Harold Penner
I’ve become aware of various patterns and cycles in my life. One of them is a regular oscillation between two different “kinds” or phases of faith. Sometimes I remain in one phase... Read More
December 31, 2019 | Opinion | Troy Watson
It’s mid-December as I sit down to review the content published by Canadian Mennonite over the past year. Here are a few observations. Once again, the longer features anchoring... Read More
December 18, 2019 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
10. Accomplish more by scheduling longer and more frequent committee meetings. 9. Make the world a better place by pointing out how everyone else needs to change. 8. Spend more... Read More
December 18, 2019 | Opinion | Troy Watson
