
The correlation is unavoidable. Some of the areas with the lowest vaccination rates in Canada are areas inhabited by lots of Mennonites. The Globe and Mail reported on vaccination... Read More
August 25, 2021 | Opinion | Will Braun
The COVID-19 coronavirus will be with us for a while; that’s what the health experts are saying. What does this mean for our churches and communities? A picture is starting to... Read More
August 11, 2021 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
‘Big’ farmers can be ‘Christians with a conscience’ too Re: “ Germinating conversations ,” June 7, page 16. It seems to me that this article has been written with a negative... Read More
August 11, 2021 | Opinion |
He discretely looked to the left, then to the right and said quietly, “Why don’t we talk about evangelism in this denomination?” I grinned and replied, “Ever seen the movie A... Read More
August 11, 2021 | Opinion | Doug Klassen
The German-language periodical Der Bote was begun in Rosthern, Sask., in 1924, to connect Mennonites in Russia, Canada, the United States and Latin America. It had generations of... Read More
August 11, 2021 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
Church is not the building. We’ve heard that often over the last 18 months. But now that some congregations are back in their building, with the rest trying to figure it out, I... Read More
August 11, 2021 | Opinion | Arli Klassen
I was about to take a shower, and for some reason, I looked at myself in the mirror. Rookie mistake. You see, I’ve gained 5.5 kilograms in the last year and, without access to my... Read More
August 11, 2021 | Opinion | Troy Watson
This past year, I followed a honey gatherer up Macedonian hills, watched a recording session with a legendary jazz singer, witnessed the political turmoil within Denmark’s... Read More
July 28, 2021 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
A long time ago I told God that I was his, and that I would follow him wherever he led me. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to decipher God’s leading! Does that still small... Read More
July 28, 2021 | Opinion | Gerry Binnema
On a cold wintry night in the middle of February around a decade ago, I arranged five chairs at the table for our committee meeting. One person came in looking wretched; she blew... Read More
July 21, 2021 | Opinion | Carol Penner
Over the years, I’ve learned that every grand enterprise depends on a certain amount of work behind the scenes, those unglamorous tasks that sustain the public vision but don’t... Read More
July 14, 2021 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Beware of pulling up the crop with the weeds Re: “ Author, bookstore owner dispute ‘censorship’ claim ,” June 7, page 21. Censorship versus freedom of speech is a hot topic in the... Read More
July 14, 2021 | Opinion |
“It is so good to connect with each other.” In my role as executive minister of Mennonite Church Alberta, I have heard this sentiment expressed many times in many different ways... Read More
July 14, 2021 | Opinion | Tim Wiebe-Neufeld
Hochstadt, Man., near Altona was the location of the first delegate meeting of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada (CMC) in 1903. A cairn was unveiled in July 1978 at that... Read More
July 14, 2021 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
It’s Friday. I drive to Rosthern, Sask., and pull in at the Good Neighbours Food Centre, where I will spend the day volunteering. My task, besides praying before the doors are... Read More
July 14, 2021 | Opinion | Ed Olfert
What is a bike to you: Exercise? A commuter vehicle? Opportunity for a family outing? Tool for close-by errands? A connection to simple living? Related to your spirituality? One... Read More
July 14, 2021 | Opinion | Randolph Haluza-DeLay
I remember singing in various youth-group settings the once popular, and now dated-sounding, worship song, “Refiner’s Fire.” Admittedly, I never really took the time to ponder the... Read More
July 14, 2021 | Opinion | Joshua Penfold
Are you finding it hard to smile these days? So much heaviness weighs down on the world. In the face of all that is wrong around us, we strive to be responsible citizens, kind... Read More
June 30, 2021 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
“So . . . what’s next??” The dreaded question for every graduate. It’s been a few years (plus a few more!) since I graduated from high school and university, but I still remember... Read More
June 30, 2021 | Opinion | Kirsten Hamm-Epp
Following the discovery of the remains of 215 children on the grounds of the former Kamloops (B.C.) Indian Residential School by the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation, Mennonite... Read More
June 30, 2021 | Opinion |
Members of a Mennonite Church Canada delegation attended the virtual conference hosted by NAIITS—An Indigenous Learning Community from June 3 to 6. Each year NAIITS (formerly the... Read More
June 30, 2021 | Opinion |
The unmarked graves of several hundred Indigenous children. A deliberate act of violence against a Muslim family out for a stroll. In recent weeks, new reports have again shown... Read More
June 16, 2021 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Columnist thanked for his ‘encouragement and inspiration’ Re: “ Are you okay with okay? ” April 26, page 11. What a fantastic reflection by Troy Watson. I am glad that he assumed... Read More
June 16, 2021 | Opinion |
I’m surrounded by a legion of internal voices telling me I am not the pastor I should be. I’m not enough of a leader, not caring enough, not informed enough, not clear, not... Read More
June 16, 2021 | Opinion | Rick Neufeld
