Recent comments

Matthew Froese commented on

Readers write: September 25, 2017 issue

Roy Thurston commented on

Pay attention to each other

Chris Landes commented on

Surrey church embraces Karen refugees

Larry Epp commented on

‘We sing the same songs’

Dolores Stucky Jantzen commented on

Pay attention to each other

Waltrude Gortzen commented on

Embracing traditions

Kendall Epp commented on

‘Colombia fever’

edward epp commented on

A community with a sense of ‘we’

Richard Benner commented on

I’ll melt with you

Christy Gore commented on

Throwing Off the Cloak

Adebayo Agunbiade commented on

The odd couple

Janet Crago commented on

A witness for nonviolence from Nigeria

walter bergen commented on

Edward Beatty

Laura Caldwell commented on

Obituary: ‘Dan has left us’

Richard Benner commented on

Obituary: ‘Dan has left us’

Wes Sawatsky commented on

Two more Manitoba churches leave MC Canada

walter bergen commented on

Is there a future for missions?

Ginny Hostetler commented on

Contradicting the status quo

Patricia Hershberger commented on

Contradicting the status quo
