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Andre Pekovich commented on

Readers write: July 3, 2017 issue

Muriel Bechtel commented on

Are you prepared to die?

Ryan Carney commented on

Are you prepared to die?

walter bergen commented on

Canada 150: Facing the long divide

Terry Leis commented on

Are you prepared to die?

Frank Berto commented on

Are you prepared to die?

Delmer B. Martin commented on

Wideman Mennonite celebrates 200th anniversary

Emilie commented on

Customs vary among Ontario Amish

Kathy Shantz commented on

Muddying the waters on Israeli divestment

Brent Horst commented on

Holy sexuality

Byron Rempel-Burkholder commented on

Muddying the waters on Israeli divestment

Russel Snyder-Penner commented on

Muddying the waters on Israeli divestment

Frank Berto commented on

Holy sexuality

Byron Rempel-Burkholder commented on

Muddying the waters on Israeli divestment

Craig C. Anderson commented on

Spaces of trust

Frank Berto commented on

Readers write: June 5, 2017 issue

Craig C. Anderson commented on

‘I expected better from you’

Craig C. Anderson commented on

A big fan of Jesus . . . the church not so much

Andrew Bergeron commented on

On engaging millennials
