News & Stories

A very special quilt hung at the rear of the church on Jan. 25, 2015, as Dutch Mennonites from the province of Friesland gathered in Drachten to celebrate World Brotherhood Day... Read More
February 12, 2015 | Web First | Barb Draper (with information from Minze Postma)

Working with people with disabilities has given Mike Wiebe a glimpse of the kingdom of God. (Photo courtesy of Mike Wiebe)

Last semester I took a class at Canadian Mennonite University entitled Anabaptist-Mennonite Theology. The course aims to analyze the works of contemporary Anabaptist-Mennonite... Read More
February 11, 2015 | Young Voices | Mike Wiebe
If an outsider were to walk into a Riel Gentlemen’s Choir practice, it would seem to be a combination of an alternative choral experiment, a boy’s club, a Manitoba fan club and a... Read More
February 11, 2015 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen
Music plays an important role in most teenagers’ lives. Through music they connect with peers and with issues that matter to them. Perhaps that’s why the Saskatchewan Mennonite... Read More
February 11, 2015 | God at work in the Church |

Pam Booker, Kelsey Dick and Rachel Loewen Walker were just some of the people who talked about sexuality and gender identity at Wildwood Mennonite Church’s listening event. (Photo by Rachel Bergen)

It was a “magical” and “spirit-filled” Jan. 24, 2015, evening for many who attended a Wildwood Mennonite Church event, held to provide a positive space for members of the lesbian/... Read More
February 11, 2015 | God at work in the Church | Rachel Bergen
Langley Mennonite Fellowship has become the first Mennonite Church B.C. congregation to acknowledge in writing that it sits on unceded first nations territory. At last year’s MC B... Read More
February 11, 2015 | God at work in the World | Amy Rinner Waddell
Retired Canadian Forces Captain Wayne Johnston received a warm welcome at 50 Kent, the home of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Ontario and other Mennonite agencies in Kitchener... Read More
February 11, 2015 | God at work in the World | Will Braun
A new Sunday School peace curriculum in the U.S. pushes Mennonites in a direction very different than the predictable emphasis on the evils of war and the theological superiority... Read More
February 11, 2015 | God at work in the World | Will Braun
Vernon Erb had a busy fall. Wet weather combined with a late planting season last spring meant the soybeans and corn were hard to get off the fields. “I guess I’ve gone full... Read More
February 11, 2015 | God at work in Us |

Rhonda Harder Epp stands beside the final panel of ‘Green Lines,’ where the image of barbed wire unravelling leaves observers with hope for the eventual removal of barriers.

“Walls became an obsession when I went to Berlin in 2010,” artist Rhonda Harder Epp told the crowd at the opening of her Walls: Arbitrary Impediments art exhibition at King’s... Read More
February 11, 2015 | Artbeat | Story and Photo by Donita Wiebe-Neufeld

The Riel Gentlemen’s Club are pictured at the forks of the Red and Assiniboine rivers in Winnipeg. Jesse Krause is pictured carrying the flag. (Photo courtesy of The Riel Gentlemen's Choir)

If an outsider were to walk into a Riel Gentlemen’s Choir practice, it would seem to be a combination of an alternative choral experiment, a boy’s club, a Manitoba fan club and a... Read More
February 11, 2015 | Young Voices |

Honouring God with our bodies can be difficult sometimes, but ultimately it’s worth it, says Amanda Zehr. (Photo courtesy of Amanda Zehr)

I am not a huge fan of going to the gym. I know exercise is good for me, but so is eating vegetables, and I’m not really into that either. At the end of a work day, even though I... Read More
February 11, 2015 | Young Voices | Amanda Zehr

Local Christians have distributed food in this encampment of displaced people in Yola, where many unidentified children are living with no parents. The EYN staff liaison provided this photo with the prayer, "Lord have mercy." (Credit: Church of the Brethren Newsline)

Muslims and Christians are fleeing Maiduguri, a large city in northeastern Nigeria, looking for safer places after Boko Haram insurgents attacked the area over the weekend, and... Read More
February 5, 2015 | Web First | Markus Gamache and Cliff Kindy

MDS Summer Youth Program volunteers work at a project in Jamestown, Colorado, in 2014. (MDS photo)

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) is accepting applications for its 2015 Summer Youth program (SYP), which features three unique service opportunity locations in the U.S. and... Read More
February 5, 2015 | Web First | Mark Beach

Dr. Abram Hostetter has studied the incidence of mental illness in the Old Order Amish population compared to the general population. He has been involved with the project known in the field as the “Amish Study” since it began in 1976. (Photo by Jon Styer)

A decades-long study of genetics and psychiatric illness–in which Dr. Abram Hostetter has played a prominent role–continues to yield new clues about the causes of bipolar disorder... Read More
February 5, 2015 | Web First | Andrew Jenner

Girls play a game by throwing balls through a hole. MCC partner House of Light and Hope specializes in support for Syrian girls, including tutoring, activities and counseling. (Photo: Silas Crews)

Because of safety concerns, full names are not used for some Syrian refugees in this article, and some names have been changed. The garden courtyard in the center of Ahmad and... Read More
February 5, 2015 | Web First | Linda Espenshade

Photo courtesy of Paul Loewen.

Reading the Bible 30 to 40 minutes at a time is more meaningful than reading it three or four chapters each day for Paul Loewen, who began 2014 participating in A Year of Reading Biblically, but didn’t finish.

“It’s been a whole year already? Crazy!” That’s what a colleague wrote to me in an e-mail when I told her that Canadian Mennonite’s Year of Reading Biblically (YORB) had wrapped... Read More
January 28, 2015 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp

Kaytee Edwards, left, David Epp and Myriam Ullah form the leadership committee of the first MCC-run student club in Canada. It is on the University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon.

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has never had a presence in student clubs on Canadian university campuses. Until recently, that is. On Jan. 15, an MCC-run student club was... Read More
January 28, 2015 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen

Kaytee Edwards, left, David Epp and Myriam Ullah form the leadership committee of the first MCC-run student club in Canada. It is on the University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon.

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has never had a presence in student clubs on Canadian university campuses. Until recently, that is. On Jan. 15, an MCC-run student club was... Read More
January 28, 2015 | Young Voices |

The Asante Children’s Choir sings with feeling “He Knows my Name” during a recent performance at Eigenheim Mennonite Church.

Enthusiastic singing, energetic danc-ing and electrifying drumming set the tone as the Asante Children’s Choir worshipped African-style with Eigenheim Mennonite Church congregants... Read More
January 28, 2015 | God at work in the Church | Story and Photo by Donna Schulz

Peggy Mason of the Rideau Institute, left, talks with Nancy and Ernie Regehr after her presentation, ‘Countering ISIL: Why Canada needs to change course,’ at Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont., on Jan. 15.

“There is no military solution [to Islamic State [IS)], only possibly some short-term tactical gains that might give the illusion of success, but which pave the way for longer-... Read More
January 28, 2015 | God at work in the World | Story and Photo by Dave Rogalsky

Consultation participants work in groups to review current realities for the church and the surrounding cultures. Working with factors related to congregations and religious groups are Yoel Masyawong, pastor in Kitchener, Ont., left; Safwat Marzouk, professor at AMBS; Karen Martens Zimmerly, MC Canada denominational minister; Leonard Dow, a pastor in Philadelphia, Pa.; and Anna Geyer, a farming entrepreneur in Oxford, Iowa.

Designs for equipping multi-vocational leaders with entrepreneurial skills and a view toward mission took shape as 23 business, mission, pastoral and educational representatives... Read More
January 28, 2015 | Focus On | Story and Photo by Mary E. Klassen
From June 5 to 7, MCI (Mennonite Collegiate Institute) will celebrate 125 years in Gretna, Man., by throwing a party. Given who we are, we are likely to sing a few songs. We will... Read More
January 28, 2015 | Focus On |

Jonah Langelotz

Jonah Langelotz has been awarded the first Dr. Robert Janzen Memorial Scholarship by Canadian Mennonite University (CMU). Janzen was particularly interested in the environmental... Read More
January 28, 2015 | Focus On |

Eastern Mennonite University social work alumni Paula Weaver, far right, and Brian Schrock, second from left, pause during a hike in the Wentworth Valley of Nova Scotia with their children, 15-year-old Kellan, 13-year-old Eliana and 11-year-old Ingrid.

Paula Weaver had to take a moment to let a substantial blessing sink in. The 1988 social work graduate of Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), Harrisonburg, Va., had just heard... Read More
January 28, 2015 | Focus On | By Steve Shenk
