News & Stories

Will Braun

After news leaked that Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto was planning an invitation-only fundraising breakfast with George W. Bush, it only took two days for the... Read More
October 5, 2011 | Web First | Will Braun, columnist

George Stephanopoulos

The role of the diverse U.S . faith community in debates about the future of the United States is essentially unsettled right now due to partisan politics, says a prominent... Read More
September 30, 2011 | Web First | By Chris Herlinger

Ron Penner served CBC as president for five of his 14 years with the college.

Ron Penner , president for the last five years of his 14 with Columbia Bible College, has asked the board of directors to initiate a search for his successor, according to Abe... Read More
September 30, 2011 | Web First | News release
Two young Winnipeggers recently challenged nearly a hundred people across Canada to donate to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank in order to support those suffering from famine in the... Read More
September 28, 2011 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen
Kelsey Hutton knew who she was voting for weeks before Manitobans headed to the polls for this month’s provincial election: the NDP. For the past three weeks, Hutton has been... Read More
September 28, 2011 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp
If you’re a young artist with passion and talent—but no gallery—what do you do with the canvasses, sketches and sculptures you make? If you’re Chris Siemens, you invite friends to... Read More
September 28, 2011 | Young Voices | Emily Loewen

John Wiens reflects on his experiences after 46 years in the field of education. He has just retired as dean of education at the University of Manitoba.

“Learning is not education. It is about seeking the common good.” This philosophy of education has guided John Wiens in his 46 years as an educator. His passion and enthusiasm for... Read More
September 28, 2011 | Focus On | By Evelyn Rempel Petkau

Susan Schultz Huxman, new president of Conrad Grebel University College, is pictured in the entrance to her new office.

As Susan Schultz Huxman settles into her role as president of Conrad Grebel University College, the school of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada at the University of Waterloo, Ont.,... Read More
September 28, 2011 | Focus On | By Dave Rogalsky
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 ( DH2 ), the final instalment of the hugely popular eight-part Harry Potter film series, was released this summer to overwhelming... Read More
September 28, 2011 | Artbeat | Reviewed by Vic Thiessen

Margaret Fehr, left, and Jinhee Paik are from different worlds, yet have found family with each other at First Mennonite Church, Calgary, Alta., through their shared love of children.

Jinhee Paik and Margaret Fehr are from different worlds, yet have found family with each other at First Mennonite Church, Calgary, Alta., through their shared love of children... Read More
September 28, 2011 | God at work in Us | By Donita Wiebe-Neufeld
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) recently announced that Region V (Canada) had made some financial cuts affecting one person’s employment, three employees’ salaries and benefits,... Read More
September 28, 2011 | God at work in the World | By Rachel Bergen

Dan Loewen, worship and creative arts pastor at Level Ground Mennonite Church, Abbotsford, B.C., contemplates new ways to incorporate multi-media into church ministries.

Annual church general business meetings are not usually occasions of inspiration or excitement, but one Mennonite Church B.C . congregation found a way to make it both—and won an... Read More
September 28, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Amy Dueckman

The scrolls are most commonly made of animal skins, but also papyrus and one of copper. They are written with a carbon-based ink, from right to left, using no punctuation except for an occasional paragraph indentation.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, which include the world's oldest known biblical manuscripts, are now available online through a cooperative effort between the Israel Museum, where they are... Read More
September 27, 2011 | Web First | By Judith Sudilovsky

Rev. Suheil Dawani heads up The Episocal Diocese of Jerusalem which covers Israel, Jordan, The Palestinian Authority, Syria and Lebanon.

The Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem and his family are celebrating after getting permission to remain in the city after months of legal and diplomat appeals. Rev. Suheil Dawani ,... Read More
September 27, 2011 | Web First | By ENI News Staff/ACNS

Ten combines harvested 80 acres of canola near Elm Creek, Manitoba on Friday, September 16.

It’s harvest time! Across Canada, farmers are bringing in crops to raise money for Canadian Foodgrains Bank—money that will be used to provide food for people in the developing... Read More
September 23, 2011 | Web First | Emily Cain

Cecilia Pinto (foreground), youth leader at the La Legua congregation, participates in a youth convention in Lo Espejo. --Photo by Titus Guenther

The magnitude of what has just happened has scarcely sunk in among us," said pastor Samuel Tripainao , after theRead More
September 23, 2011 | Web First | Titus Guenther

Alex Awad

In the next 24 hours, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will be at the United Nations to request an official recognition of Palestine as an independent state with full statehood... Read More
September 22, 2011 | Web First | Alex Awad

Kelsey Hutton, 23, and her team has spoken to more than 4,000 people since the election has been announced.

Kelsey Hutton already knows who she is voting for when Manitobans head to the polls for this month’s provincial election: the NDP . For the past three weeks, Hutton has been... Read More
September 22, 2011 | Web First | Aaron Epp for Young Voices
Is food a human right? Is the famine in east Africa just a symptom of something bigger? Does buying locally actually promote peace? How does a discussion on food relate to the... Read More
September 16, 2011 | Web First | Jennifer Konkle
Ana Loewen knows what it’s like to feel disillusioned with the church. As a teenager, a negative experience in the church she grew up in led her to seriously question the... Read More
September 14, 2011 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp
Early last August when five young men pulled their RV into Brightwood Ranch in rural Alberta, they exchanged the adventure of ziplines and horseback riding for the opportunity to... Read More
September 14, 2011 | Young Voices | Emily Loewen
“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.” (Jack... Read More
September 14, 2011 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen
What does it mean for a faith-based organization to make faith and spirituality an integral part of its board meetings and planning? That’s the subject of Setting the Agenda:... Read More
September 14, 2011 | Artbeat |

Amy Dueckman overcomes her fear and discovers newfound courage through the thrill of skydiving.

On a gorgeous summer afternoon, I willingly tumbled out of an airplane from more than 3,000 metres above the ground, entrusting my life to a piece of nylon, a ripcord and a... Read More
September 14, 2011 | God at work in Us | By Amy Dueckman

Nicole Tiessen sits in the sample room in the design studio of Aodbt Architecture + Interior Design in Saskatoon, Sask.

If you are out running errands in Saskatoon and your travels take you to the bank, a convenience store or your doctor’s office, there’s a chance you will encounter the work and... Read More
September 14, 2011 | God at work in Us | By Karin Fehderau
