News & Stories

Chris Buhler, Ashley Martin and Shirley Martin pack Christmas bags, a gift of Level Ground Mennonite Church, for residents of Peardonville House.

Christmas was a little merrier for women of Peardonville House treatment centre, thanks to some generous members of Level Ground Mennonite Church, Abbotsford. The week before... Read More
January 5, 2011 | God at work in the World | By Amy Dueckman

Ruth Boehm, right, pastor of Faith Mennonite Church, Leamington,Ont., presents Rev. Thomas Mertz, co-pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, with a breadbasket cloth she stitched from a 1545 German pattern book on Reformation Sunday, Oct. 31.

On Reformation Sunday, Oct. 31, Faith Mennonite Church in Leamington, Ont., was visited by neighbours and friends from the local St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Reformation Sunday... Read More
January 5, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Dave Rogalsky
Historical records are shaped by the perspectives of those who write them, but perspectives that clash can cause centuries of pain. On July 22, 2010, an apology from Lutherans for... Read More
January 5, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Deborah Froese

The Fractor.

Grace Mennonite Church is engaged in an ongoing and earnest conversation about the Anabaptist peace position. Arnold Hildebrand, a church member and facilitator of a recent book... Read More
January 5, 2011 | God at work in the Church | By Evelyn Rempel Petkau

Nguyen Hong Quang

Mennonite Church Canada has become aware that on December 14th, the Ho Chi Minh church buildingsRead More
December 24, 2010 | Web First | Dan Dyck

Marvin Lapp, father of Glen Lapp, stands against mountains outside Faizabad, Afghanistan. He visited Faizabad and Kabul during an October trip to attend a memorial service and learn more about Glen’s work and life in Afghanistan. (MCC Photo/John Williamson)

Two months after MCC worker Glen Lapp and nine other aid workers were killed in rural AfghanistanRead More
December 20, 2010 | Web First | By Marla Pierson Lester
A gathering to improve relations between the many Protestant denominations in the Netherlands has taken place on the site of an earlier historic synod, though any idea of complete... Read More
December 17, 2010 | Web First | By Andreas Havinga
The president of the Lutheran World Federation, Bishop Munib Younan has said before meeting Pope Benedict XVI that their churches should issue a common statement on Holy Communion... Read More
December 17, 2010 | Web First | By Luigi Sandri

The Just Food exhibit included a display of typical food consumed in a poor community in a developing country, left, a middle-class community in a developing country, centre, and many households in North America, right. The sign reads, ‘Where do you fit in?’

The right to food is a non-issue for many Canadians. In fact, many people in the western world take food for granted. From a faith perspective, many feel that, although they may... Read More
December 15, 2010 | Artbeat | By Rachel Bergen / Evelyn Rempel Petkau

Sara Wenger Shenk, new president of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, invites the gathered congregation to declare with her, “Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb,” during her inaugural address on Oct. 24, at Clinton Frame Mennonite Church, near Goshen, Ind

“Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb,” the congregation called out, led by Sara Wenger Shenk in her inaugural address as the new president of... Read More
December 15, 2010 | God at work in Us | By Mary E. Klassen

Ying Ying Wang of China and Santiago Gomez of Colombia sport both poppies and MCC peace buttons at the Remembrance Day service in Warman.

Wearing both the traditional red poppy and the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) alternative peace button, Ying Ying Wang from China and Santiago Gomez from Colombia—participants... Read More
December 15, 2010 | God at work in the World | Mennonite Central Committee

Yemiru Tilahun, mission and evangelism director of Ethiopia’s Meserete Kristos Church, right, with two leaders of the Emmanuel United Church of Ethiopia. Emmanuel vice-president Samson Mariam, left, and president Bezalem Fisseha, centre, were mentored by Meserete Kristos leaders.

At least 30 mission and church leaders represented Anabaptist-related communities at the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in South Africa this fall. The gathering,... Read More
December 15, 2010 | God at work in the Church | By Byron Rempel-Burkholder
The president of an African Inter-faith peace group has called on religious leaders to protest over Ivory Coast's presidential election dispute, in which two politicians have been... Read More
December 13, 2010 | Web First | By Fredrick Nzwili
About 1000 people in Hong Kong joined a celebration co-organized by Christian groups to honour imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo in a celebration coinciding with... Read More
December 13, 2010 | Web First | By Francis Wong
Faith groups have a key role to play in stemming the environmental crisis in Africa, says an organizer of meetings on possible violence connected a looming Nigerian ecological... Read More
December 13, 2010 | Web First | By Trevor Grundy

Margaret Loewen Reimer (Mennonite) and Allen G. Jorgenson (Evangelical Lutheran) have co-authored a study guide for congregations, based on the report of the Lutheran-Mennonite Study Commission (2010)

Walking in each other’s theological shoes for a day, professors from their respective seminaries in WaterlooRead More
December 10, 2010 | Web First | By Dick Benner, editor/publisher
Church officials and activists have welcomed an investigation ordered by India's federal Supreme Court into trafficking in children by pastors and exploitative Christians eyeing... Read More
December 6, 2010 | Web First | By Anto Akkara

J. Lorne Peachey (left) was often heartened by the gifts of Swiss chocolate that Markus Rediger (right), of Switzerland, left at his table during MWC executive committee meetings.

J. Lorne Peachey had long held a secret wish to work for Mennonite World Conference some day. Still, the invitation in 2001 to become editor of MWC's three-language magazine... Read More
December 6, 2010 | Web First | By Ferne Bukhardt

Howard Zehr, 2nd from left, in late November with German Mennonite Peace Committee members and others involved in honoring Zehr for his restorative justice work. The group is visiting a stone memorializing the martyrdom of Anabaptists Michael and Margaretha Sattler in Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany.

Eastern Mennonite University professor Howard Zehr spent his Thanksgiving holiday this year receiving the thanks of German and Swiss groups for his work as a pioneer and... Read More
December 3, 2010 | Web First | By Bonnie Price Lofton

Fifi Pombo Madikela, a Mennonite Brethren pastor and women’s leader in Kinshasa, Congo’s capital, talks about her experience at the World March of Women. (MCC Photo/Suzanne Lind)

In solidarity with thousands of women who have been sexually assaultedRead More
December 3, 2010 | Web First | By Emily Will

These Brazil students are part of a younger group of students who have become involved in a garden club, set up by MCC worker Julie Alexander. The club is a mix of ages and encourages students to develop leadership skills while working together as a team. --Photo by Lowell Brown

Twenty-four Canadians were among the nearly 100 new workers assigned by Mennonite Central Committee recentlyRead More
December 3, 2010 | Web First | News release

Dr. Sue Johnson does pre-conference training.

“Conversations on Attachment: Integrating the Science of Love and Spirituality,” will be held March 31-April 1, 2011, at Eastern Mennonite University. The conference, a first of... Read More
December 2, 2010 | Web First | Jim Bishop

Willard Metzger began his duties as general secretary on Nov. 1, 2010.

In this letter to the church in Philippi, the Apostle Paul provides some sound instruction for approaching leadership. Be clear on the ultimate purpose of God’s calling. Disregard... Read More
December 1, 2010 | Web First | By Willard Metzger
A group of Moscow residents are fighting for official confirmation that a new mosque will not be built in their district of Russia's capital, amid controversies across the world's... Read More
November 30, 2010 | Web First | By Sophia Kishkovsky
A major step to promote harmony within the worldwide Anglican Communion has been rejected by leaders of a global grouping set up to fight against what its members call breaches of... Read More
November 30, 2010 | Web First | By Martin Revis
