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U.S. clergy denounce anti-Muslim bigotry

Should to Shoulder formed following debates over an Islamic center near the former site of the destroyed World Trade Center in lower Manhattan and a Florida pastor's threats to burn the Quran.

Three days before the tenth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, religious leaders gathered to remember the victims, foster interreligious unity and speak out in defense of religious freedom.

Publishing building sold in Scottdale, Pa.

The 75,000 square-foot building, once a thriving intellectual nerve center of the Mennonite Church USA (later Canada), employed 175 writers, editors and production staff at its high point in serving the Mennonite Church

The former longtime Mennonite publishing building in Scottdale, Pa., will re-open as a church facility. MennoMedia, the newly merged church agency based in Harrisonburg, Va., sold the landmark building to a local congregation, Wellspring Church, on Aug. 12.

Mennonite World Conference begins conversation with 7th Day Adventists

Participants in the SDA-MWC conversations (left to right): William Johnsson (SDA co-chair); Tom Yoder Neufeld (MWC), Robert (Jack) Suderman (MWC); Danisa Ndlovu (MWC); Henk Stevers (MWC); Valerie Rempel (MWC); Teresa Reeve (SDA); Patricia Urueña (MWC); and John Graz (SDA). Missing are: Denis Fortin (SDA); Bert Beach (SDA); Gary Councell (SDA).

Representatives of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the Mennonite World Conference held the first of several theological conversations June 28 to July 1, 2011 at the world headquarters of the 17 million-member Seventh-day Adventist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland. 

Two religious giants die within one week

Gordon Kaufman was a conscientious objector during World War II.

John Stott was known as "Uncle John" to many in the evangelical circles he traveled.

Two religious giants died within one week of each other recently.  One was liberal theologian and mentor Gordon Kaufman, 86, a Mennonite who rose through the academic ranks at Harvard Divinity School and who died of multiple myeloma July 22 at his home in Cambridge Mass., the other John Stott, 90, who died July 27 in England and credited with shaping 20th

MDS demolishes, not builds home

An MDS work crew cleaned up a house fire site in Grey Highlands. Former MDS volunteer Les Sheffer (from left), homeowner Stan Baldwin, Mailhoit Trucking driver Chris Beudette, Stayner BIC member and heaving equipment operator Al Avery all helped MDS director Rick Savage with the project.

If watching your house burn to the ground wasn’t hard enough, Carol and Stan Baldwin of Grey Highlands, ON, had to stand and watch a second time while a group of volunteers razed what remained.

$2.3 million for East Africa drought

Ahada Kusoco Hassan, 23, cooks breakfast for her family in the Dadaab refugee camp in northeastern Kenya. (ACT Alliance Photo/Paul Jeffrey)

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has surpassed its initial target of raising $1 million for the East Africa drought and is now expanding its response to the continuing crisis in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.

“We are both elated and humbled by people’s willingness to entrust MCC with their contribution,” said Willie Reimer who directs MCC’s food and disaster program.
