Recent comments

Elaine Fehr commented on

From church to yoga studio

Vic Thiessen commented on

Both ends of the pipeline

walter bergen commented on

Both ends of the pipeline

Andre Pekovich commented on

‘Acceptance without exception’

walter bergen commented on

A picture of gradual decline

Kathy Shantz commented on

Let’s try talking to the ‘enemy’

Anita Hellquist commented on

Suicide isn’t painless

Ginny Hostetler commented on

Questions of conscience

William Loewen commented on

Questions of conscience

Lorraine Lawton commented on

Suicide isn’t painless

Jan DeCourtney commented on

Seven gestures of contemplation

walter bergen commented on

The racism around us

Brent Horst commented on

Change in the church is complicated

Alex Heidebrecht commented on

Foodgrains Bank brews climate storm on Twitter

MaryLou Driedger commented on

A must-see for all Canadians

Richard Penner commented on

Readers write: April 9, 2018 issue
