Recent comments

walter bergen commented on

Unity of the Spirit

Steve Buckley commented on

Throwing Off the Cloak

Peter Sawatsky commented on

Is belief in Jesus’ resurrection necessary?

Jacob Carl Froese commented on

Unity of the Spirit

walter bergen commented on

Unity of the Spirit

Ginny Hostetler commented on

10 things to know about Mennonites in Canada

Harmiena Torenbeek commented on

10 things to know about Mennonites in Canada

Don Neufeld commented on

JoinMen for a better world

walter bergen commented on

JoinMen for a better world

sam plover commented on

A time to die

Don Neufeld commented on

JoinMen for a better world

Russ Snyder-Penner commented on

Unity of the Spirit

Bruce Hiebert commented on

Unity of the Spirit

Alan Armstrong commented on

Unity of the Spirit

Wayne Northey commented on

Readers write: February 12, 2018 issue

walter bergen commented on

JoinMen for a better world

Russ Snyder-Penner commented on

Who is my neighbour?

Karl Dick commented on

JoinMen for a better world

Len Franz commented on

Who is my neighbour?

Ernst Gerhard Enns commented on

New home for an old church
