Recent comments

Betty Dawson commented on

Waiting watchfully ends well

Trevor Bechtel commented on

Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light 

Doreen,Dale,Marie,Clare commented on

Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light 

Charlene M Arseneau Reid commented on

EMU alumni win award for counselling service

walter bergen commented on

Can we talk?

Mark Morton commented on

Readers write: August 27, 2018 issue

Ginny Hostetler commented on

Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light 

Benjamin Daniel Shantz commented on

Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light 

Ginny Hostetler commented on

Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light 

Durrell Bowman commented on

Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light 

Barbra Graber commented on

Decades-old sexual abuse comes to light 

walter bergen commented on

Rhubarb runs out

Kahsay Birru commented on

Video: Christ at the coffee shop

Di Brandt commented on

The Ghost Rapes of Bolivia

Nola (Dyck) Florchinger commented on

Where he leads me I will follow

Menno Society commented on

Rhubarb runs out

andy Hiebert commented on

Where he leads me I will follow

walter bergen commented on

UNDRIP: Good news for everyone

Erwin Warkentin commented on

UNDRIP: Good news for everyone

Angelika Dawson commented on

Blooming Positive Project responds to theft

walter bergen commented on

Regionalism is coming. No thanks!

walter bergen commented on

UNDRIP: Good news for everyone

Matthew Froese commented on

Response to ‘From belief to belonging’
