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Harrisburg, Pa site of next World Mennonite Conference

Young Anabaptists (YAB) helping to decide are (l to r) Melani Susanti, Indonesia; Tigist Gelagle, Ethiopia; Rodrigo Pedroza Garcia, Mexico; Kristina Toews, Canada; Sumana Basumata, India, and Carlos Alberto Alvarez Woo, Colombia. Seated are Adi Walujo, Indonesia; Edgardo Sanchez, Argentina; and Sandra Campos Cruz, Costa Rica.

With eyes wide open about the visa challenges faced by international participants,

Peacebuilding school brings hope from 23 nations

Three generations of peacebuilders from Argentina are studying at SPI: Maria Karina Echazu, an attorney; her nephew Joaquin Echazu, a university student studying security issues; and Lilian Burlando (Maria Karina's mother and Joaquin's grandmother), director of a Peace Center in Teirra del Fuego. --Photo by Jim Bishop

Those entering the opening session of  Eastern Mennonite University’s Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) were handed felt markers and circles of fabric. Their assignment: “Tell what you bring here.”  

Faisa Loyaan’s contribution: “learning and sharing.”

Even after Presbyterian Church win, gay clergy likely to remain limited

Amy Kosari, of Ellswroth, Wis. a representative of a Presbyterian church belonging to the Synod of the Lakes and Prairies in the Twin Cities area, speaks against an amendment to eliminate the celibacy requirement for gay and lesbian clergy at the Peace Presbyterian Church in St. Louis Park, Minn. --AP Photo

Gay and lesbian advocates celebrated a landmark victory on May 10 when the Presbyterian Church (USA) entered the expanding ranks of Christian denominations that allow openly gay, partnered clergy. The winds of change, they said, are at their backs.

Changes occurred in biblical text over hundreds of years

Bill Warren from Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, leading the study.

Working in a cluster of offices above a LifeWay Christian Bookstore, Bible scholars are buried in a 20-year project to codify the thousands of changes, verse by verse, word by word -- even letter by letter -- that crept into the early New Testament during hundreds of years of laborious hand-copying.

Crossing borders marks anniversary of full communion relationship

Katharine Jefferts Schori: "the reign of God lies in the direction of more porous borders."

In a world where crossing borders is becoming a literal fact of life in economics, work and culture, U.S. and Canadian Lutheran and Episcopal/Anglican church leaders crossed the borders of their countries on 1 May to mark a decade of their denominations' "full communion" relationships.
