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Paul Simon's long meandering spiritual journey

Paul Simon: 'Always a spiritual dimension to his work.'

In a career that has spanned half a century, American musician Paul Simon says there's always been a spiritual dimension to his work. But the overt religious references in his most recent album, "So Beautiful or So What," surprised even him. There are songs about God, angels, creation, pilgrimage, prayer and the afterlife, reports Religion News Service.

Christian roots of African movement recalled at centennial celebrations

South African President Jacob Zuma: "But our roots are Christian and they will shine through whatever our present problems."

The Christian roots of the African National Congress (ANC) were cited during weekend celebrations in South Africa marking the centennial of Africa's best known liberation and political movement. More than a dozen African heads of state and representatives from around the world attended to honor the movement that eventually overcame the apartheid system of racial segregation.  

God's new beginning

Linda Matties

 One of the most famous announcements the world has ever heard is stated in this way: “For unto us is born this day ... a Savior.”  It is no accident that the fulcrum of human history rests on a birth narrative.  Given the limitations of human language, we struggle to find the vocabulary for momentous events.  What better metaphor than a birth story! 
