Recent comments

David Warkentin commented on

Readers write: August 17, 2015 issue

Alicia Good commented on

Can sex with a pastor be an affair?

david clohessy commented on

Can sex with a pastor be an affair?

Muriel Bechtel commented on

Can sex with a pastor be an affair?

Jim Foxvog commented on

Can sex with a pastor be an affair?

Barbra Graber commented on

Can sex with a pastor be an affair?

Ivan Unger commented on

Young people—our national treasure

Laura H. Weaver commented on

A historic moment

Stephen Kennel commented on

Readers write: August 17, 2015 issue

Cherie G. Ghebray commented on

What did Jesus write in the sand?

Ron Cameron commented on

The luthier of La Riviere

Margaret Rose Oesch McClure commented on

Ontario Mennonite community loses influential genealogist


Pianist dedicated her hands to God

April Yamasaki commented on

Faith, fasting and feasting

Matt Froese commented on

Readers write: July 27, 2015 issue

claudia leal commented on

Doing well then doing good

Larry Cornies commented on

My soul brother

Sandra Reimer commented on

Humility over hubris

Rosella Eby commented on

Readers write: June 22, 2015 issue

Ryan Carney commented on

Church growth is the wrong narrative

Victor Regier commented on

Readers write: June 22, 2015 issue
