
Since living in a pandemic that has suddenly limited indoor socializing, I have been particularly thankful for the neighbourhood friendships we’ve created. In March and April,... Read More
October 21, 2020 | Opinion | Christina Bartel Barkman
As a young adult I entered a Mennonite college knowing little about Mennonites. I grew up (mostly) Baptist. I was astonished to hear people say over and over again, “You must be a... Read More
October 21, 2020 | Opinion | Arli Klassen
My focus on growth may seem strange during this difficult season we’re in, but I believe that the best way to get through this pandemic is by growing. My understanding of growth... Read More
October 21, 2020 | Opinion | Troy Watson
Recently the worldwide number of souls lost to the COVID-19 virus surpassed 1 million. Visualizing that large number of lives cut short touches one’s own soul. We, the living,... Read More
October 7, 2020 | Editorial | Virginia A. Hostetler
Reactions to recent ‘A moment from yesterday’ photographs Re: A photograph of a volleyball game beside a row of tall poplar trees with a lake in the background , Aug. 17, page. 4... Read More
October 7, 2020 | Opinion | Various Contributors
The youth of the Mennonite church are often on my mind, and over the years, they have secured a place in my heart. It has been total joy and privilege to share time and space with... Read More
October 7, 2020 | Opinion | Kathy Giesbrecht
LaVerna Klippenstein (1934-2014) fulfilled many roles, including mother, wife, teacher and author. After her marriage to Lawrence Klippenstein in 1956, the pair began working in... Read More
October 7, 2020 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
The first story is as recent as a week ago last Sunday. As I stood to sing a somewhat familiar hymn in the morning worship service, the words came off the page to grasp my... Read More
October 7, 2020 | Opinion | Ed Olfert
Whether you know the word or not, shalom is central to the way most Mennonites think of what it means to be disciples faithful to Jesus. “Peace” is how the Hebrew word shalom is... Read More
October 7, 2020 | Opinion | Randolph Haluza-DeLay
I was sitting at the kitchen table, trying to read amidst my children having breakfast and building with Lego, and I read this verse: “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on... Read More
October 7, 2020 | Opinion | Joshua Penfold
Halloween is a few weeks away, and I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to watch some horror movies to get into the spirit. I just stopped and re-read that first sentence and... Read More
September 23, 2020 | Editorial | Aaron Epp
Pandemic provides ‘extra bonuses’ for elderly congregant Re: “ In a time of uncertainty: COVID-19 prompts churches to rethink gatherings ,” March 30, page 15. The Japanese... Read More
September 23, 2020 | Opinion | Various Contributors
In my work with high-risk single mothers, I’ve been meeting one-on-one this summer with women, as our weekly group program was put on hold due to the pandemic. Over and over, I’ve... Read More
September 23, 2020 | Opinion | Christina Bartel Barkman
In early August, I heard about the devastating impact of floods and a landside on a Mennonite congregation in Kerala in southern India, with mud covering the building and many... Read More
September 23, 2020 | Opinion | Arli Klassen
This summer, our neighbours had a total of four trees taken down that bordered either side of our property. I really miss those big, beautiful trees. One tree was at least 50... Read More
September 23, 2020 | Opinion | Troy Watson
I sit in my backyard watching my dog as he rolls in the grass, pressing his back as deeply into the ground as he can. He moves freely, alternating his rolling with digging into... Read More
September 22, 2020 | Web First - Opinion | Heather Block
‘Better stories’ needed for ‘future inventories’ Re: “A Black/Menno inventory,” June 22, page 13. I deeply appreciate this column. While I am sure that there is much more history... Read More
September 9, 2020 | Opinion | Various Contributors
“Find us empty and wandering . . . find us in the wilderness, and fill us with your feast.” This lyric by Phil Campbell-Enns, pastor of Home Street Mennonite Church in Winnipeg,... Read More
September 9, 2020 | Opinion | Doug Klassen
In Saskatoon, at the 1975 Conference of Mennonites in Canada annual conference, the Canadian Mennonite Bible College (CMBC) board, “long embarrassed about faculty salaries,” asked... Read More
September 9, 2020 | Opinion | Conrad Stoesz
A story in Genesis 28 describes the patriarch Jacob stopping for the night while on a journey. His sleep includes a dream of a visit from God. In the morning, Jacob awakes and... Read More
September 9, 2020 | Opinion | Ed Olfert
Because of my Christian friends I’m taking a hiatus from social media. One has repeatedly posted a meme of Jesus with an AK-47 assault rifle. I tried hard to explain in detail why... Read More
September 9, 2020 | Opinion | Randolph Haluza-DeLay
“ Return, O Israel, to the LORD your God” (Hosea 14:1). In this final chapter of Hosea, God bids the Israelites return to God and acknowledge their waywardness, but also to be... Read More
September 9, 2020 | Opinion | Joshua Penfold
The Mennonite church has the opportunity to become a dependable partner in the work of dismantling racism. The church as a whole has a record of racism—both overt and covert—that... Read More
September 9, 2020 | Opinion | Tobin Miller Shearer
What follows is a companion piece to "White Mennonite static" by American scholar Tobin Miller Shearer. To read Mennonite Church Canada offers several resources, through its... Read More
September 9, 2020 | Opinion | Virginia A. Hostetler
