CM at 25

‘We declare to you . . .’

A card introducing the (then) new editor/publisher used at the Winker, Man., national church assembly in 2004.

Tim Miller Dyck, pictured wearing a memorable keepsake bolo tie given to him at a Canadian Mennonite fundraising dinner in Alberta.

A particular joy this year has been the restarting of events cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Still happening

In this photo from 2008, pipes are stockpiled outside of Lubicon Cree territory in northern Alberta, in advance of government approval of a TransCanada application for a pipeline through contested aboriginal land. (Photo courtesy of Amnesty International)

I travelled to Israel/Palestine in the spring of 2008 and wrote about it for Canadian Mennonite. It was, however, the follow-up article where I related the issues to my own backyard that sticks with me.

Visiting congregations

Dave Rogalsky, pictured in 2018, served as Canadian Mennonite's Eastern Canada correspondent for 12 years.

As I wrapped up my time in 2018, I realized that I had always seen the correspondent’s job as an extension of my calling as a pastor, a calling I’ve now been following for more than 40 years. I can’t reduce it to one article, but there are groups of articles that I enjoyed very much.

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