News & Stories

After an attack on Jan. 18, 2015, Pastor Nguyen Hong Quang suffered a fractured nose and serious internal injuries. (Photo courtesy of Mennonite Church Canada)

Nguyen Hong Quang, leader of the unregistered Vietnam Evangelical Mennonite Church (formerly referred to as the Mennonite Church in Vietnam), was severely beaten on his way to... Read More
January 23, 2015 | Web First | Luke S. Martin

Ben and Patti Wiebe (Mennonite Church Canada photo)

Last June, Shekhar Singh, president of Union Biblical Seminary (UBS) in Pune, India, contacted Mennonite Church Canada to ask whether Ben and Patti Wiebe of Beamsville, Ont.,... Read More
January 23, 2015 | Web First | Deborah Froese

World Council of Churches photo

Thousands of people are planning to embark on a pilgrimage of climate justice–either on foot or on bicycle–in many parts of the world. These faithful pilgrims, rooted in their... Read More
January 23, 2015 | Web First |
As excitement continues to grow for the global Assembly, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) has created a variety of free resources for congregations and communities to use as they... Read More
January 23, 2015 | Web First |
Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba’s 50th anniversary benefit concert will be held on April 18, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., at Knox United Church in Winnipeg. The fundraising event for... Read More
January 23, 2015 | Web First |

Shigute Edaso (centre)

Our Manitoba correspondent journeyed to Ethiopia last fall as part of a learning tour sponsored by Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB). She reports her findings of the CFGB’s work... Read More
January 20, 2015 | God at work in the World | Story and photos by Evelyn Rempel Petkau
Marianne (Dyck) Thiessen, a charter member of Pineridge Christian Fellowship, Calgary, died on Nov. 8, 2014. Professionally a nurse, yet she was much more than that: a flower that... Read More
January 14, 2015 | God at work in Us | By Henry Neufeld

Photo by Margita Braun.

Long-time friends Jorge Requena, and Orlando Braun formed Prairie Boy Productions in 2013. That Mennonite Joke is the company’s second project.

Orlando Braun has always been fascinated by filmmaking. He recalls being a child and making detective films with his father’s camcorder, but never thought he could one day make a... Read More
January 14, 2015 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp
Orlando Braun has always been fascinated by filmmaking. He recalls being a child and making detective films with his father’s camcorder, but never thought he could one day make a... Read More
January 14, 2015 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp
If you are a young adult considering going to the Global Youth Summit that will immediately precede the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) assembly in July, Kristina Toews thinks... Read More
January 14, 2015 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp

Kristina Toews, left, pictured with a church member at Iglesia Menonita de la Ciudad Berna. Toews’s experience at the Global Youth Summit in Paraguay in 2009 and her involvement with the Young Anabaptists (YABs) Committee have fuelled her passion for the global church. (Photo courtesy of Kristina Toews)

If you are a young adult considering going to the Global Youth Summit that will immediately precede the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) assembly in July, Kristina Toews thinks... Read More
January 14, 2015 | Young Voices | Aaron Epp

Chris Karasewich, a local entrepreneur with ASAP Marketing, left, and Matt Veith, a Mennonite graphic designer, centre, are presented with a provincial tech award worth $7,500 by Kevin Chief, Manitoba’s minister of jobs and the economy, at last November’s Ramp Up festival for entrepreneurs. (Photo courtesy of Innovation Manitoba)

Winnipeg graphic designer Matt Veith stepped out of his comfort zone last November and helped develop a business idea at Ramp Up Manitoba, an entrepreneurial festival. It paid off... Read More
January 14, 2015 | Young Voices |

Photo courtesy of Innovation Manitoba.

Chris Karasewich, a local entrepreneur with ASAP Marketing, left, and Matt Veith, a Mennonite graphic designer, centre were presented with a provincial tech award worth $7,500 by Kevin Chief, Manitoba’s minister of jobs and the economy, at last November’s Ramp Up festival for entrepreneurs.

Winnipeg graphic designer Matt Veith stepped out of his comfort zone last November and helped develop a business idea at Ramp Up Manitoba, an entrepreneurial festival. It paid off... Read More
January 14, 2015 | Young Voices | Rachel Bergen
In “Do Not Store up Treasures in Pensions” (Jan. 5, 2015 issue) I wrote about Mennonite Church (MC) Canada's “core option” pension plan and the complications of Socially... Read More
January 14, 2015 | God at work in the World | By Will Braun
I recall saying in my youth that “Christianity does not come equipped with standard airbags and anti-lock brakes,” features commonly advertised for cars at the time. I felt... Read More
January 14, 2015 | God at work in the World | Will Braun

A way of life is being dramatically changed as the pastoralist people learn to grow crops. The Foodgrains Bank and Canadian World Lutheran Relief are working through the Support for Sustainable Development organization on food-for-work projects that build irrigation systems. They provide training on how to grow and market crops. (Credit: Evelyn Rempel Petkau)

Manitoba correspondent Evelyn Rempel Petkau journeyed to Ethiopia last fall as part of a Canadian Foodgrains Bank-sponsored learning tour and reports her findings of the NGO’s... Read More
January 14, 2015 | God at work in the World | Evelyn Rempel Petkau

Gerry Binnema, the new bi-vocational pilot/pastor of United Mennonite Church in Black Creek, B.C., is pictured with his wife Elaine, a counsellor.

In the 1800s, church clergy were often called “sky pilots,” in part in reference to their heavenly themes from the pulpit. Aviator Gerry Binnema has recently become the new pastor... Read More
January 14, 2015 | God at work in Us | By Harold Macy

The Rosco boys, from left to right: Trevor Hunsberger, producer; Ken Ogasawara, writer/actor; and Jonathan Steckley, writer/director. (Photo courtesy of Rosco Films)

When filmmakers get around to showing their work to their family and community, it is usually a past project for them. Such was the case for Rosco Films, whose principals—Jon... Read More
January 14, 2015 | Artbeat | By Dave Rogalsky

Christian Bale as Moses in Exodus. (20th Century Fox photo)

Nine months after Darren Aronofsky’s biblical spectacle, Noah, we get Ridley Scott’s biblical spectacle, Exodus: Gods and Kings . I wasn’t a big fan of Noah, but at least it was... Read More
January 14, 2015 | Artbeat | Reviewed by Vic Thiessen

Dieunold Sterling works on a motor at his motorcycle repair business in Desarmes, Haiti, as his nephew Dumas John watches. The advanced mechanical skills he learned at a vocational school that MCC helped re-energize, allowed Sterling to get an education and develop a business in his hometown without going to overcrowded Port-au-Prince. (MCC photo by Silas Crews)

Planting opportunity, rebuilding lives In Cabaret, 39 kilometres outside the capital city of Port-au-Prince, breezes flutter the sheer fabric hanging in the doorway of Gladys... Read More
January 12, 2015 | Web First | By Marla Pierson Lester

Anne Garber Kompaoré took time out from her Hebrew studies to discover the geography of Israel. (Photo credit: Mennonite Mission Network)

The Sicite people, a small ethnic group in southwestern Burkina Faso, stepped onto the world’s linguistic stage when their language was awarded a coveted place in the Max-Planck-... Read More
January 9, 2015 | Web First | Lynda Hollinger-Janzen
Craig Friesen and Matthew Wiens rang in 2015 by joining their hands and committing their lives to one another in front of friends and family at a New Year’s Eve wedding, the first... Read More
January 6, 2015 | God at work in the Church | Story and Photos by Rachel Bergen
In “Do not store up treasures in pensions” Will Braun expresses unease with the fact that Mennonite Church Canada’s “core option” pension funds include investments in the fossil-... Read More
January 2, 2015 | God at work in the World | Will Braun
Stories about music, the environment, justice, violence, the Mennonite-Anabaptist community, and sexuality got our readers’ attention this past year. Here’s a glimpse at what was... Read More
December 31, 2014 | Web First | Virginia A. Hostetler

Cesar Garcia and Rick Stiffney (MWC photo)

Leaders of Anabaptist/Mennonite healthcare institutions and healthcare professionals will hold a conjoint international meeting during an international leadership summit July 20-... Read More
December 24, 2014 | Web First |
