
1. In what ways are the people of your congregation involved with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)? Which generations are most involved? How high are the feelings of support and... Read More
November 24, 2010 | Feature | Canadian Mennonite

Clayton Kratz

Worship is remembering, said the prophet Jeremiah. The past holds regenerative power. I’m a human being living in Canada today because of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC); some... Read More
November 24, 2010 | Feature | By Jack Dueck

The MCC revisioning process seeks to address the tension of being rich Christians in an age of global inequality—an age in which golf tournaments in Manitoba (as shown by the cover of MCC Manitoba’s annual report, left) fund hurricane recovery efforts in Haiti. (MCC file photo by Ben Depp, right)

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is the largest and most influential Anabaptist organization in the world. It has nearly 1,200 workers and an annual budget of $82 million. Its... Read More
November 24, 2010 | Feature | By Will Braun
1. How many trees are planted annually in your community? Are they part of a community initiative? Who plants and waters them? How important is it to plant more trees? 2. In what... Read More
November 10, 2010 | Feature | Canadian Mennonite
“Richard Branson has offered a large prize to anyone who invents a device that will pull greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. God already invented this device, and we call it a... Read More
November 10, 2010 | Feature | By Jack Dueck
On Oct. 2, 2006, the world was stunned by the killing of five Amish schoolgirls in a small schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pa. Within hours, the Amish community forgave the gunman... Read More
October 27, 2010 | Feature | Goshen College
A few years ago, when conducting research for my Ph.D. on Amish women in business, I visited a gift shop and noticed a rack of romance novels with pictures of Amish women on the... Read More
October 27, 2010 | Feature | By Beth E. Graybill
1. How well would you score on a college entrance biblical literacy quiz? Do you know the answers to the quiz on this page? How/where did you gain knowledge about the Bible? 2... Read More
October 13, 2010 | Feature | Canadian Mennonite
1. Put the following biblical characters in chronological order. A. Daniel / B. Adam / C. Moses / D. Paul / E. David 2. Match the quotes (A-E) with the speakers (1-5). Extra... Read More
October 13, 2010 | Feature | By Ross W. Muir
If I want to become a citizen of the U.S., I need to take a citizenship test. Something similar occurs in Canada when someone wants to become a citizen of this country. The... Read More
October 13, 2010 | Feature | By John Longhurst


Ervin R. Stutzman, the new moderator of Mennonite Church U.S.A., loves the Bible. He recently shared his passion for knowing the Bible and its story with John Longhurst of... Read More
October 13, 2010 | Feature | John Longhurst
Every year since 1995 Wheaton College—one of America’s preeminent Evangelical post-secondary schools—has tested the Bible knowledge of incoming freshmen students. These students... Read More
October 13, 2010 | Feature | By John Longhurst

After more than a decade of living without a computer—he hauled his old one to the dump—Ralph Lebold of Waterloo North Mennonite Church, Waterloo, Ont., is back online. He now calls himself a ‘converted Luddite.’ (Photo by Dick Benner)

Just over 50 percent of Mennonite Church Canada congregations have their own websites. Next year that number will be higher.Read More
September 29, 2010 | Feature | By Will Braun
1. How concerned would you be if you had Muslim neighbours? How fearful are most North Americans of Muslims? Is this fear justified? What would you say to those who oppose the... Read More
September 14, 2010 | Feature | Canadian Mennonite
On Spirituality chronicles the third Shi’i Muslim-Mennonite Christian dialogue that took place during the spring of 2007 at Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont. In the... Read More
September 14, 2010 | Feature | Book Reviewed by Dave Rogalsky
Islam is one of the two largest religions in the world, with the other being Christianity. Figures differ, but it is clear that Islam is an alive and growing religion.Read More
September 14, 2010 | Feature | By Dave Rogalsky

Ray and Susan Martin of East Zorra Mennonite Church, Tavistock, Ont., visit with Fauzia Mazhar and her daughter Mehar Nayyar at the Floradale potluck.

Burton Buller came to Ontario’s Waterloo Region this spring to explore the many Mennonite-Muslim activities taking place in the community for a new documentary exploring peace... Read More
September 14, 2010 | Feature | by Dave Rogalsky
1. How homogeneous is your congregation? How long does it take for “outsiders” to feel welcome? What extra challenges does someone from a visible minority have to feel accepted?... Read More
September 1, 2010 | Feature | Canadian Mennonite

The “What makes a Mennonite” brochure has been translated into Spanish, traditional and simplified Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Chin, while other language translations, such as Hmong and Laotian, are planned. These resources are available from the Mennonite Church Canada Resource Centre, Winnipeg

Once upon a time, Mennonite congregations in Canada could largely define themselves by German or Swiss Mennonite heritage, but no more. Mennonite Church Canada congregations now... Read More
September 1, 2010 | Feature | By Deborah Froese
According to research conducted by sociologists Curtiss Paul Deyoung, Michael O. Emerson, George Yancey and Karen Chai Kim, 92.5 percent of Catholic and Protestant churches... Read More
September 1, 2010 | Feature | By Joon-hyoung Park
I travelled throughout Europe in the early 1980s. I had the opportunity to come across some Mennonites and learn something about Anabaptist history and teaching, preparing me for... Read More
September 1, 2010 | Feature | By Samson Lo

Emmanuel Mennonite Church, Abbotsford, B.C., is an intentional multicultural congregation. Pictured from left to right: John Cheny, Shigali Dembede, Alayne Cheny holding Naomi Cheny, pastor April Yamasaki, Janice Redekop holding Callahan Redekop, and Masako Moriyama.

In 1981, the newly formed Emmanuel Mennonite Church drew on Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:19 to express its purpose as a congregation: “To make disciples of all nations.” At the time... Read More
September 1, 2010 | Feature | By April Yamasaki
Following are questions for reflecting on and discussing the Canadian Mennonite stories on the first Truth and Reconciliation Commission events in 2010: “How complicit are... Read More
August 26, 2010 | Feature | Canadian Mennonite
When you pass by aboriginal people lying in the gutters on skid row, do you think that they are just “drunk Indians who need to get a job”? Participants of the “Do residential... Read More
August 26, 2010 | Feature | by Rachel Bergen
Delegates to Mennonite Church Canada Assembly 2010 struggled with just how to confess systemic complicity in the Indian Residential School (IRS) survivors issue while not... Read More
August 26, 2010 | Feature | By Deborah Froese
