
As the notorious persecutor Saul of Tarsus was transformed by God’s grace and is now remembered as the “apostle to the gentiles,” so Bogale Kebede, charged and imprisoned for... Read More
March 27, 2013 | Feature | By Carl E. Hansen
1. What powerful stories have you heard in your congregation? Who did the telling? What was the setting? What made the story powerful? How did it influence the teller or the... Read More
March 13, 2013 | Feature | By Barb Draper
Reading the Bible for ethics calls for a new approach to community. Above all else, it calls for the centrality of storytelling: storytelling at the centre of the community,... Read More
March 13, 2013 | Feature | By Bruce Hiebert
1. Who in your congregation takes a leadership role in interpreting the Bible? How do they acquire that role? What happens if anyone challenges their interpretation? Who has been... Read More
February 27, 2013 | Feature | Barb Draper
Reading the Bible for ethics is an act of power. Reading the Bible for ethics is about using the language and images of the Bible to transform ourselves and those around us. It is... Read More
February 27, 2013 | Feature | By Bruce Hiebert
1. Bruce Hiebert says we will make better ethical decisions if our brains are filled with biblical images. Do you find his arguments convincing? Have we been doing a good job of... Read More
February 13, 2013 | Feature | By Barb Draper
Reading the Bible for ethics is no easy task. It means facing an obscure document held as vital by an older generation, but of increasing irrelevance to a changing world. Or does... Read More
February 13, 2013 | Feature | By Bruce Hiebert
1. Tom Yoder Neufeld says that teaching and learning are acts of faith, especially when it comes to sacred texts such as the Bible (page 6). What learning or teaching experiences... Read More
January 30, 2013 | Feature |
RWM: For much, if not all, of your adult life, you have served as a chaplain, pastor or professor. What—or who—were the influences in your growing-up years that led you to a life... Read More
January 30, 2013 | Feature |
1. How has your community been impacted by the drive for economic development? What has your community lost through development and what has it gained? How are decisions made... Read More
January 16, 2013 | Feature |

Clouds hang over the Haisla community of Kitamaat Village, just across Douglas Channel from the proposed site of the Northern Gateway supertanker terminal. (Photo by Will Braun)

I never expected that Enbridge—the Calgary-based pipeline company best known for its contentious Northern Gateway proposal and a nasty spill from one of its U.S. lines in 2010—... Read More
January 16, 2013 | Feature | Story and photos by Will Braun
Bryan Born, the new president of Columbia Bible College sees his goal as equipping and encouraging the students to become “fully devoted followers of Jesus,” and that means more... Read More
January 2, 2013 | Feature | By Frank Stirk
In recent decades, young people from the Kalenjin community in the highlands of Kenya have dominated all levels of competitive athletic running events around the world. They have... Read More
January 2, 2013 | Feature | Harold Miller
1. Wendy and Phil Reimer describe some instances when God intervened in the lives of Christians. Can you think of similar experiences that you or other Christians have had? Why... Read More
December 11, 2012 | Feature |
In my earliest recollection Jacob Janzen was 60-something. He was not the oldest person I knew and rather undistinguished. He came walking tiredly up the sidewalk to the house in... Read More
December 11, 2012 | Feature | By Phil Reimer

Wendy Reimer works at a health clinic in Guatemala.

The following articles are from a presentation by Wendy and Phil Dyck at Rockway Mennonite Church several months ago.Read More
December 11, 2012 | Feature | By Wendy Reimer
1. What are some of your warm “waiting for Christmas” memories? What is it about Advent and Christmas family traditions that make them so special? Do you have negative memories... Read More
November 21, 2012 | Feature |
In my first year at Canadian Mennonite University, my first year away from home, I kept a running countdown to the Christmas holidays on the whiteboard stuck to my dorm room door... Read More
November 21, 2012 | Feature | By Emily Loewen
Our childhood returns to us through our children—especially in the season of Advent.Read More
November 21, 2012 | Feature | By Markus Poetzsch
Advent means memories, traditions, plans, lists, emotions and thoughts. In my youth in western Canada, growing up in a Mennonite Brethren (MB) community, Advent was a season. It... Read More
November 21, 2012 | Feature | Anne Konrad
“O come, O come Emmanuel,” a stock dirge of Advent, comes from a house of pain that once was, still is, and shall be again. The hymn is haunting. (HWB #172)Read More
November 21, 2012 | Feature | Allan Rudy-Froese
1. Do you consider yourself as a rational being or more of an emotional being? Do you find others reacting more rationally or more emotionally? In what ways has the Mennonite... Read More
November 7, 2012 | Feature |

Friesen says that a modern mall has similarities to a cathedral—it is a secular cathedral with rituals and liturgies.

After many hours of methodical and systematic doubting of all that he held certain, seventeenth-century French philosopher Rene Descartes came to an astounding conclusion: the... Read More
November 7, 2012 | Feature | By Carl Friesen
1. Carol Penner says, “sinning against our neighbours once removed just doesn’t feel so bad.” Do you agree? Who might be a “neighbour once removed”? What might be some examples of... Read More
October 24, 2012 | Feature |
When I was little, I remember my dad explaining our relatives to us: “She’s my cousin, twice removed.” It’s an expression that talks about a relationship that is a bit more... Read More
October 24, 2012 | Feature | By Carol Penner
