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Aid for East Africa Too Slow

The US government says 29,000 children under five years old died between May and July 2011, according to a BBC report.

Was aid for people suffering from drought in East Africa too slow?

Yes, says a new report from two international aid agencies.

According to the report, prepared by Oxfam and Save Children, most rich donor nations waited until the crisis in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya was in full swing last summer before donating a substantial amount of money.

Nigerian Archbishop calls for inter-faith action

From left to right: Prof. Richard Falk, Welly Esau Mandowen and Archbishop Michael Kehinde Stephen at the WCC International Affairs and United Nations Advocacy Week in New York, 2003

Methodist Archbishop Michael Kehinde Stephen of Ibadan, Nigeria has appealed to Christian and Muslim leaders worldwide to act together in the face of extremist violence that threatens to divide Nigerians along religious lines.
