
Turning church inside-out

Judith McCartney (front right) with youth leaders she works with. (Supplied photo)

Judith McCartney (l-r), Shellwyne Rodney, Andre Lewis and Seun Olowo-Ake at a
leadership training event in Toronto. (Facebook photo by Connect City)

During her community outreach work, Judith McCartney will typically ask people: “Did you know Christ walked 22,000 miles in his lifetime of ministry?”

McCartney believes in venturing outside the church doors and putting on some miles.

A Christian nation?

César García. (CM file photo)

“We, nosotros, we saved Colombia from being handed over to communists!” Those were the words of a celebrity pastor from a Colombian mega-church, spoken to a cheering crowd in California. That pastor referred to the recent success of a “No” campaign in the popular referendum that voted against implementing a peace agreement in my country.

Holy optimism

Shel Boese is the new executive minister of Mennonite Church B.C. (Photo by Amy Rinner Waddell)

At the time of assuming his new role as executive minister of Mennonite Church B.C. in August, Shel Boese recalls being asked about his vision for MC B.C. “It doesn’t matter what my vision is,” he replied, “we need to determine that together. It needs to be a shared vision.”

Altona church connects community members with free monthly meal

Mark Tiessen-Dyck (right) recruited Susianty Braun to lead the food preparation for Altona Bergthaler Mennonite Church’s community meal. (Supplied photo)

Members of a southern Manitoba church are offering the residents of their town a free monthly meal, served with a side of fellowship and fun.

Altona Bergthaler Mennonite Church launched the initiative in September 2022. Anyone who wants a hot meal and time to visit with their neighbours is invited to attend.

Crafting, chaos and community

Saskatchewan youth doing crafts. (Photo courtesy of Kirsten Hamm-Epp)

On September 29, 18 participants gathered in Saskatoon to kick off the Mennonite Church Saskatchewan youth programming year. The youth got to know one another in a variety of ways as the event went on, first learning what everyone had for breakfast, then playing ‘Never Have I Ever . .

Volunteers customize bears and blankets for care home residents

Bears and Blankets care kits. (Photo by Anna Winger)

From left to right Jan Steven, Mary Koop and Ester Funk with a bears and blankets. (Photo by Anna Winger)

Jan Steven, a commissioned chaplain with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, has found a new way to show care for seniors in long term care facilities. The new venture starts with buying new or next-to-new teddy bears and blankets from the Mennonite Central Committee Christian Benefit Thrift Shop in St. Catharines, Ontario. Then Mary Koop, who, like Steven, attends Grace Mennonite Church in St.

Palestinian voices

This photo comes from the friend of a member of the Mennonite Church Manitoba Palestine-Israel Network. It shows the remains of the house next to that of the sender in Gaza, which was recently bombed, killing 17 people. (Supplied photo)

Yousef Alkhouri

Yousef Alkhouri is a Palestinian Christian from Gaza. He is a lecturer at Bethlehem Bible College, though is currently studying in Europe. He visited Canada last year, along with Jack Sara, at the invitation of Mennonite Church Canada. The following is part of a note he sent to Canadian Mennonite on October 14.

Mennonites in Ecuador reach out as their country struggles

ICAME’s refugee support program in Quito, Ecuador. (Photo courtesy of ICAME/MWC)

Alexandra Meneses (right) records distribution of food aid to Carmen Maria Garcia, a recent immigrant to Ecuador. (MCC photo by Annalee Giesbrecht)

In August, Iglesia Cristiana Anabautista Menonita de Ecuador (ICAME) published a statement calling for prayers amid escalating violence in the country.

Rod Suderman, Emmanuel pastor, dies at 63

Rod Suderman, in recliner, surrounded by members of Emmanuel Mennonite Church. (Photo by Amy Rinner Waddell)

Rod Suderman, lead pastor of Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Abbotsford, B.C., died on Sept. 2 following a cancer diagnosis earlier this year. He had also served as a pastor in Saskatchewan and worked in China, both with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and the General Conference Mennonite Church.

Children find belonging, friendship in Winnipeg choir

Last May, the Sargent Junior Choir performed ‘The Agape League,’ a musical about the fruit of the spirit. (Supplied photo)

Norinne Danzinger-Dueck has led the Sargent Junior Choir for 11 years. (Photo by Aaron Epp)

The choir rehearses every Wednesday evening from September to May. (Photo by Aaron Epp)

Choir members rehearse a song about Deborah, an Old Testament prophet. (Photo by Aaron Epp)

It’s a Wednesday evening and the two dozen children gathered in a room at the back of Sargent Avenue Mennonite Church in Winnipeg are singing about candy-coated chocolate.

“Mommy made me mash my M&M’s” isn’t a sentence one expects to hear in church, but the members of the Sargent Junior Choir are singing the phrase as part of their warm-up exercises.

Grassy Narrows

Supporters of Grassy Narrows in Toronto on Sept. 27. (Photo courtesy of CPT)

Through the weight of ongoing struggles over logging, mercury poisoning and, most recently, mining, the people of Grassy Narrows First Nation in northwestern Ontario continue to defend their interests and make their voices heard.

A question of inclusion

(Art by Nick Schuurman)

With great hesitation, I pulled my car into the church parking lot. The winter morning was clear and brisk. After a short stop at a local coffee shop, Aaron and I had arrived at our destination: a local Mennonite church that was hosting a choir for “all abilities.” I had been warned about this event by the organization I work for.

Abbotsford forum explores disagreement in the church

Lydia Fawcett of Mennonite Central Committee B.C.’s End Abuse program. (Supplied photo)

Jesse Nickel is a professor at Columbia Bible College. (Supplied photo)

How to disagree well with fellow Christians was the topic of a forum held at Columbia Bible College (CBC) in Abbotsford, B.C., last month.

The Sept. 21 event, titled “Polarization and Disagreement in the Church,” was sponsored by the Faith in Today’s Church task group of Mennonite Church B.C.


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