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Tired of the violence

MCC Nigeria peace coordinator Mugu Zakka Bako speaks at a meeting for Emergency Preparedness Response Teams in Barkin Ladi, Nigeria. Bako and response-team volunteers were at the scene of the recent bombing in Jos, ready to address signs of violence. (MCC photo by Dave Klassen)

When Mugu Zakka Bako arrived at the scene of twin bomb blasts on May 20 at a busy market in the city of Jos, Nigeria, he saw more than the destruction and injured people.

LED Talks aim to inspire and challenge

Jessica Reesor Rempel was one of six LED talk speakers at the MCEC Annual Gathering.

You have heard about TED Talks—experts give informative, inspirational talks that are viewed and shared online. What about LED Talks?

For its annual gathering, held April 25-26, 2014, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) introduced a new format for conference speakers—LED Talks. The acronym stands for Lead, Equip, Disciple.

MEDA supporters to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

MEDA president Allan Sauder models his mountain climbing gear at a staff celebration lunch for the upcoming Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb. (Credit: MEDA)

MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates) supporters have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity this summer to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, along with president Allan Sauder. The trek will aid MEDA's work in creating business solutions to poverty around the world.

Church of the Brethren rallies to support kidnapped Nigerian girls

Rebecca Dali shows photos of violence in Nigeria. She leads the Center for Caring, Empowerment and Peace Initiatives, which collects stories of survivors and pictures following attacks. (Stan Noffsinger/Church of the Brethren)

Stevens Hill Community Church in Elizabethtown, Pa., included concern for the kidnapped girls in the congregation’s Mother’s Day worship May 11. (Credit: Stevens Hill Community Church)

As the Church of the Breth­ren in Nigeria entered the second month of a crisis involving hundreds of kidnapped girls, the U.S. Church of the Brethren continues to support its sister denomination with prayer, fasting and financial assistance for refugees fleeing violence.

Bible survey: Many Americans scramble their Scripture

The Bible encourages the “repression of women,” and it’s silent on such fraught topics as war or slavery.

As least, that’s what about one in five U.S. adults believe. But they’re wrong.

The American Bible Society’s annual “State of the Bible” survey reveals “the people of the book are not people of this book,” said Geof Morin, chief communication officer for the society.

New exhibit features Brunk revivals

One of the original trailer trucks houses the new exhibit on the evangelistic campaigns of the Brunk family. The legend on the side reads: The Whole Gospel for the Whole World. (Credit: Joan Daggett/VBMHC)

The Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia, will hold a celebration and service of dedication for the Brunk Revivals exhibit on Saturday, May 24, 2014, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
