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Canada not accountable for mining injustices

At the site of the Philippines' contested TVI Pacific mine, owned by a Canadian company. (Photo: KAIROS)

KAIROS is deeply disappointed by the defeat of Bill C-300 at its third reading in the House of Commons, according its recent newsletterThe private member’s bill, which would have created new mechanisms to hold Canadian mining, oil and gas companies accountable when they are found to be complicit in human rights and environmental violations abroad, was narrowly defeated by a vote of 140 to 134.<

Literary legend raises funds with book launch

Rudy Wiebe signs copies of Collected Stories/1955-2010 at a Nov. 10 book launch.

Canadian literary legend, Rudy Wiebe and his wife Tena, have supported the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers since it began in the 1980s. “Refugees have always been of particular concern to me, because in 1930, before I was born, Canada accepted my parents and their five children as refugees from the Soviet Union.” Wiebe said.

Canadian Court Rules Dissident Churches Must Abandon Property

St. Matthias and St. Luke Church in Vancouver, one of the breakaway Anglican churches. --Photo by Ian Lindsay/Postmedia

 An Canadian appeals court has ruled in favor of an Anglican diocese in a property dispute with congregations opposed to same-gender blessings.

In a unanimous decision released on Monday (Nov. 15), British Columbia Court of Appeal Justice Mary Newbury, writing for a three-judge panel, dismissed an appeal by four breakaway parishes against a 2009 lower court ruling.
